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part thirty-one,
10:45- ;

It had been exactly three days since the night of the award ceremony.

Father had fired Areum straight after we had arrived home, he said there was no point for a tutor anymore, especially since I would be graduating soon.

The days continued to get colder and the sky continued to get darker. Christmas was only a mere few weeks away, and usually I would be excited, but I wasn't.

Hansol had tried to contact me me a few times in the past three days, leaving various calls and texts until eventually, they stopped.

I couldn't tell if I was happy or sad that they stopped, in the end, I guess he never really cared enough to fight for me.

Father had told me that Nicole had left back to England the night after the ceremony, I don't know why he told me, it's not like I really cared in the first place.

Bora had been over multiple times to try and comfort me, but the both of us knew that it was too hard, that I was officially heartbroken and in the end she gave up trying to help as well, and just told me to contact her when I was feeling a bit better.

My life was falling apart, I didn't eat much, I didn't leave bed much. I just felt dead inside, and no matter how hard I tried, that feeling wouldn't go away.

"Miss Hana you need to eat something" Lynn calls, peeking her head through the open crack in my bedroom door. I hummed under my breath, sitting up from my pile of blankets, pillows and tissues as I locked eyes with her, watching as her facial expression changed when she saw my appearance.

"I will" I croaked, throwing my legs off of the side of the bed and standing up, stretching my stiff back as I walked in the direction of Lynn and the door.

"How about we clean you up darling, I will take you out" she suggests with a small smile, Lynn rarely takes me out, and for some reason I am now thankful that she will today.

"C'mon, I'll run a bath for you" she says after I stood silent for a while, leading me to the direction of my ensuite.

The bathroom was a mess, my black gown I had worn three nights ago was in the corner, along with the other clothes I had worn in the past two days. Makeup was sprawled across the bench and it smelt of dry shampoo. I heard Lynn sigh as she leant down to turn on the faucet of the bath.

"How are you feeling?" She asks, leaning against the bench as she watched the water pour out of the faucet.

"I've been better" I reply, taking my hair out of the messy bun I had been sporting for the last two days.

"Life can only get better from here Miss Hana" she smiled, trying to lighten the mood, not that it worked very much. Taking one glance in the mirror I was shocking at my own appearance.

Dark bags hung from under my tired, red and puffy eyes. My cheeks were bright red from any tears and my lips were swollen from the saltiness of them.

I sighed at my own appearance, closing my eyes to bring my head in my hands, wishing that the pain would just go away.

"There you go sweetie, come downstairs when you're ready and I'll take you out to buy some ice-cream or something" she smiles, before leaving the room and leaving me alone.

After taking off any items of clothes I hopped into the hot, steamy bath, in which instantly relaxing my tight muscles.

I sunk down to the bottom, my chin resting in the water as I leant my head on the edge, closing my eyes. My lack of sleep was catching up on me, and all I wanted to do was sleep.

Don't get me wrong I was grateful that Lynn was taking me out, but I didn't feel emotionally stable to leave the Park mansion. I just wanted to sulk away in the corner and forget about all of the pain that had been caused over the past couple of days.

"Life can only get better from here" I whispered to myself.

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