Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The tips of Dr. Nick Allen’s rubber gloves dampened all the way

through to the skin; there was even a hint of blood speckled on the

side of his index finger. The girl started to whine before he was done.

“No, no, it’s all right,” he said gently, wrapping another part of white

floss around his finger. “It’s normal for your gums to bleed a little bit.

Everyone’s does. It just means that you’re not flossing enough!”

The girl sat up in the chair and instead diverted her attention to

the cartoon characters on the screen above, something not all

offices could afford to have in every room. Frankly, Nick didn’t know

what they would have done without them. They were perfect. They

kept everybody at ease, adults and children alike, and kept them

entertained while he did his work at peace. The girl rinsed with a

Dixie cup and then he replaced the gloves and adjusted the paper

mask across his mouth. He wiped his little mirror on the oversized

napkin around the kid’s neck, not even noticing one of the assistants

coming in next to him. “Dr. Allen, here are the pastes.”

“Thanks.” He looked to the kid. “Which kind would you like best:

strawberry, bubblegum, or mint?”

“Bubblegum,” she squeaked.

He smiled. “Good choice!”

Nick put the little cups on a slide-out tray next to the patient’s chair

and loaded pink gunk on one of his tools.

“Now we’re going to polish your teeth and make them all shiny and

feeling fresh, okay? It won’t hurt, don’t worry. I promise.”

He had a nice voice, a pleasant sort of tone, the kind that comes

on over intercoms and has clear diction. It matched his clean cut and

gentlemanly face, with soft chocolate eyes and hair to match. He was

well-built and in decent shape for being in his early-thirties, but at

least he was nowhere near graying yet.

He polished along the kid’s teeth gently and gave her another Dixie

cup to rinse. She sat up and smiled at him, something he knew he

liked best coming from any kid who didn’t have a scary experience

at his office. He gathered some of his tools and put them at the sink


“Guess what?” he said. “You’re all done now.” He undid the paper

napkin at her neck and she promptly took that signal to mean she

could get out of the chair. “Wait just a second and I’ll get you some

special treats.”

Nick left for a minute and came back with a basket in one hand and

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