Diary Entry #1- Dr. Nick Allen

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I feel bad lying to my friends.

Well, the couple that I have, anyway.

Is it bad that I just don't want to hang out? It's not personal, or anything on them, I just don't feel like it. Sometimes I feel like it is best to stay at home by myself where nothing can happen. I want to be left alone to do my own thing. It's embarrassing, really, but I don't have another choice. Sooner or later though, I'll run out of excuses.

I am not completely anti-social here. Dustin and I go to lunch and things like that, and he keeps telling me that he is going to take me to a Thunder God match one of these nights with the guys. Friends from college that I never see or talk to, really. He keeps saying he will. I go along with it of course, not sure if it's really going to happen or not. I obviously have my own problems right now I need to take care of first.

The problem is, when? When will it all be over? When will I finally feel okay? I feel guilty now about not taking my medication when I was a kid. I didn't think I needed it. Now, I think I do more than ever. I've got to kick this, and kick it to the curb, if I think I will ever feel and be normal again.

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