Diary Entry #2- The Candy Caper

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April 6th

This is insane. I feel like a superhero. Except, I’m not a superhero, I realized I am more of a villain. But am I really? I’m a thief. I’m stealing. If Spiderman were real, he’d come after me. But then what if I told him I wasn’t a bad guy, would he believe me?

I’m doing this for a reason. Once I get it, I’ll stop. It will make me stop. So, it’s okay. It’s okay because I can’t help it, it’s not actually my fault. My condition makes me do it. It’s not me.

It happened and it’s official. I made my first stop, black clothes and mask on and all. I felt invincible. Didn’t even trigger an alarm. Didn’t even scare a squirrel. It’s all too easy, but it’s because only I can get away with it. I may have a flaw, but I have a gift that is just as, if not more powerful. And I can use this gift. Once I get that item I’ll stop. I didn’t find it yet though, but my instincts tell me I am getting close.

My last stop I did something funny, I didn’t mean to do it, but it was last minute and it made me laugh. I took out all the bracelets, earrings, and rings out of a display and put them away and as I was reaching in my pocket, I found that I had a Ring pop in there for some reason. I don’t even remember where it came from or why I had it, but I was giggling to myself when I had the sudden idea to take it out and put it on one of the ring displays. I don’t know why, but I got a kick out of this and I think I will be making a trip to a candy store sometime soon to get more. I could get a candy necklace, too. I don’t know. For some reason it makes it more fun

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