Chapter Twelve

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Lucy returned to her grandfather's house and laid down on her bed. She threw her covers over her head and she refused to do life. Too much had happened today. Too much had been said. Perhaps Lucy should've said more. Now, she just wanted to sleep.

Heaviness laid across her chest. Tears filled her eyes. Lucy pressed her face into her pillow, letting that get wet. The media had followed her back to the house here, some of them had at least, just to get more shots of her. Police officers came and shooed them off after a neighbor called them. There was nowhere for her to escape.

Wondering if this was her life with Harry, perhaps she wasn't prepared. Lucy wasn't bothered by people calling her fat or ugly, whatever terrible things they said, but this bothered her. And she could've bet that the media would go out of their way to ask her about this. She didn't have the closure that people got today.

Today, Lucy, after going back inside, people had come to speak with her. First, it was Jake's parents and they talked briefly. They mostly wondered how Lucy had been doing, which they weren't the only ones who asked that. She would say good, and she would say a few other things. Lucy gave small details about her life outside here. It was known she lived in Britain and no one frowned upon it. She would talk about what she did with the refugees, how she graduated from university, and how she lived. She didn't speak about a boyfriend or Harry at all. Other people, like teachers and old friends, came to say hello and they would speak. Lucy would be polite and ask how their lives were now. Everyone was polite and everyone said their lives were fine; those were lies.

Lucy's cell phone started to ring and she thought to ignore it. Perhaps it was Sydney or her grandfather, but it was Harry. She groaned and answered it anyway.


"Hello, Luce." Harry's British accent filled the phone. "How was today?"

"I don't think I can do this," she admitted, half speaking into her pillow. "I hated it. There was no closure. People constantly watched me. I just wanted to vomit."

There was pause. "Do you think you can have the media here, Luce?"

"Harry, that's not what I meant. I love you." She didn't understand why she had to repeat it constantly. "It's just that... I will never escape what I am here. When I go back to Britain, it will be fine, and then paparazzi will catch our scent. They'll forever ask about this moment. I'm so tired."

"Luce, I'll be there for you always."

"Thank you." Lucy shifted into position to speak more. "Tell me about your life today. What did you do? How was the children's hospital?"

"Amazing. I love those kids. I made a few girls blush."

Lucy laughed.

"You don't understand, Luce. I'm getting old--"

"No, you're not."

"I feel old," he countered, "and I made girls blush."

"Were you Prince Charming?"

"I'm always Prince Charming." There was a hint of a smile in his voice. "I still got it. Do you think those girls will blush after they know I'm taken?"

"You can make girls blush after you're married."

Harry paused, and Lucy left it hanging in the air. "William tells me that the media hasn't dropped their case against me. They're still looking for my current blonde."

"It's a good thing you date a lot of them. They won't know who to look for."

Harry laughed. "They didn't suspect you--"

"At least I have something going for me."

"But with you in front of the camera today, someone might notice."

They knew this might happen. Lucy knew if she said something. Both knew that cameras would've been on Lucy and they were. It was known she lived in London. It was known she had met Prince Harry. Did people suspect she dated Prince Harry? That was probably a no. Would people start to think about it now? That was a probably a no. But it only took one person to write a blog and then get the rumor going. However, the rumor was true.

Lucy sighed. "We knew this day was coming."

"We did."

"Are you prepared?"

"I've been prepared my whole life. It's you I'm worried for."

"I survived being shot eighteen times. I survived a gunman on a train. I survived something trying to blow me up. I think I'll be fine." Lucy curled into herself on the bed. "What events do you have today?" It was eight at night in Minnesota, two in the morning in London.

"I'm going to Scotland for the day." Lucy laughed. "I know it's your favorite. Do you want me to get you anything while I'm up there?"

"Can you get a kilt and wear it?"

Harry laughed. "I don't know if I'm comfortable with that."

"Why? Women have to wear dresses all the time. Don't be sexist," she joked. Lucy tried to image Harry in a kilt but she couldn't.

Harry laughed. "I've worn a kilt before. I just don't need to wear one again."

Lucy giggled and some weight was taken off her chest. "Darn. What will I do with my life now?"

Once again, there wasn't a response from Harry. Usually, he would've said something sassy back, a quick and witty remark, but once again, he said nothing. There was something he hid, and it angered her. Harry wasn't usually like this.


"Yeah, sorry." There was a nervous tone in his voice, but Lucy didn't push. "It's just that... lately, Luce, I've been meaning to ask you something...."

Lucy froze and tried to wait patiently. Normally, she wouldn't take any notice of this but since he brought it up in a serious tone, it had to be something. "What is it, Harry?"

"Luce, I wanted to ask you when you go back, but I can't really wait that long."

"You're waiting long right now. What is it, Harry?" she repeated.

"Lucy, I was wondering if you might consider moving in with me once you get back to the U.K."

She was taken off guard, not realizing what exactly this meant. Lucy knew he wanted to protect her but now he wanted to take another step. And with paparazzi and media soon knowing about them as a couple, maybe it was time for them to take the next step. Neither of them wanted to feel rushed but she wasn't scared of the situation.

"Is my flat really that bad?" Lucy asked, keeping her tone light.

Harry let out a sigh of relief. "Honestly, yes, it's terrible."

Lucy laughed and rolled over. "I'm sorry it offends you, Prince Charming."

"So you'll consider it?"

"Yes." Lucy breathed to herself. "Now tell me about Scotland. Where are you going?"

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