Chapter Sixteen

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Standing, she felt her world around her move. The world would continue to move no matter what. Lucy learned long ago to move with it. No matter what people thought or what they did, Lucy's life continued to move.

Her scars still laid across her skin. She was real. She was still human.

Lucy walked up the stairs and stared at herself in the mirror. Today, she would go out as Lucy Smith, not the girl Harry had been seen with. Yet, Lucy knew better. She would the appropriate amount or makeup and she would do things how they should've been, but she would wear jeans. Her hair would've been curled and not frizzed, and her makeup wouldn't have been darkened yet caked on. Lucy had the idea in her head, how she was going to look. Lucy refused to look any different.

She got into her car and pushed the button for the garage door to arise. Once open, she turned on her car. Lucy breathed. Five... four... three... two... one.... The paparazzi yelled at her. Even with the bright light, cameras flashed at her. Lucy put on the sunglasses. The music was turned loud, yet their voices came through, yelling at her about Harry and then some nasty things. Police officers held a line. Lucy backed out slowly, not wanting to hit anyone with the small car, before she turned and got the hell out of dodge.

It didn't take long before paparazzi started following Lucy. She remained calm, even when paparazzi zoomed around her. She took her foot off the gas a few times, trying to calm herself. Upon having a plan, she changed it, knowing she would. At a certain time, she had to be in a certain place, but she took a detour now, driving away from where she meant to go. It was all for the hope that she might lose them. Suddenly and slowly, they started to get lost. Usually, it would be stoplights and quick turns. It was just to get most of them off her trail.

After enough stalling, she drove to the Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport. Lucy had traveled enough in her life to know where to hide in an airport. Parking in the gray and concrete ramps, she turned and walked inside. It was cold outside and wind blasted on her, but Lucy had gone back to her old ways, when this wasn't actually too cold outside. Harry thought this would be winter but it was only going to get worse in Minnesota.

Earlier in their relationship, Harry had asked Lucy much about where she grew up and what it was like. He had been to the U.S. before but never Minnesota. Though Minnesota was a larger state, he wouldn't have a reason to come over. The state touched Canada and it was known for snow and lots of it. She had spoken more about what Minnesota was like, but it was hard because she grew up there. Everything was normal and natural to her.

Lucy waited in the airport, as he was to exit down from the stairs after going through security. News stands had Lucy's face pasted across magazines and newspapers but no one glanced at her besides a few children. Everyone else had somewhere else to be. She waited in an uncomfortable chair, eyes forward at the gate. If she turned back, she had fear someone might notice her.

However, with her tense behavior, she forgot to focus completely forward. Her mind had been trained on her surroundings that she forgot why she was actually there: to pick up Harry from the airport. His ginger hair gave him away as he stepped in front of her, wearing a baseball cap. He knew it was her favorite.

A smile washed over Lucy's face and relief hit her like a wave. She was once again reunited with him. Standing up, her arms wrapped around him and his around him. He kissed her on the cheek.

"I'm sorry about your grandfather," Harry whispered. His hot breath tickled her ear. "When's the funeral?"

Lucy pushed back. "A couple of days," she said. Her eyes wandered over to outside the airport, yet there wasn't paparazzi. "Welcome to Minnesota."

"It's chilly," he commented.

"It's only worse outside."

"Looking forward to it."

She laughed. "Let's go get your bags."

They walked over to the luggage train. As they waited, Harry's arm was curled around her waist and her body closed in on him. There was a flash of light, and Lucy's eyes snapped over. It was a camera flash but it wasn't on them. A family was reunited and took pictures to remember it. It didn't mean it wasn't coming. They continued to wait for Harry's luggage, a few more flashes came. Now Harry looked over, this time only a few cameras were pointed and it was at them calm.

"Calm," Harry said. "Make no sudden movements." There was a funny tone in his voice but annoyance was certainly there.

"More will come?"


Eventually, his luggage came, falling down from the back. This was the only time they didn't touch. Both of his bags came out, and both of them grabbed a bag, pressing it to the ground. Harry had a backpack and then two bags with wheels. Lucy pulled one along. Their hands still touched.

The camera men had remained outside, and Lucy and Harry went underneath the airport before getting to the parking ramp. Her eyes were trained forward and Harry kept his eyes down. They pushed through the cars, and then his stuff was thrown into the trunk. Quickly, he got into the car and she drove off.

Lucy took her time getting back to the house outside the Twin Cities. Paparazzi didn't follow her now, but it gave them more time to speak. Harry wouldn't stop. In the beginning, he was shy and a little uncomfortable. On the phone, he wasn't uncomfortable. It was different now, when Harry wasn't sure what to say around her again. Most of it was because the recent death of her grandfather, and then pain Lucy must have felt. He wasn't going to say anything until they reached her house. Lucy was also focused on her surroundings while driving, because suddenly paparazzi appeared. The cameras flashed through windows, all in the hope to take pictures of them. Her windows were barely tinted, and she had to swerve several times after being cut off.

The neighborhood was nice where Lucy lived, but Harry knew it was her grandfather's house. As they came down the street, police officers stood outside, holding paparazzi off. Harry couldn't imagine what the morning had been like for her. There were at least twenty officers and then ten other people that held paparazzi back. She swung into her driveway and then into her garage. The car was turned off. The garage door came down.

 They were alone in the dim light.

"Harry," Lucy breathed, "I'm about to show you my world."

"Are you warning me because it's bad?" He smirked.

She shrugged.

Harry took her hand. "Whatever it is, I don't care. We'll do this together. I love you."

"I love you."

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