Chapter Forty-Two

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Most of Lucy's things were already in London but had to be moved to Kensington Palace. Her others things, taken from her grandfather's house, were shipped over. Her things from her old and small apartment had already been packed up and brought to Kensington Palace. His apartment would be filled with her things, just in boxes. After sleeping off the jet-leg, they would start putting everything away. This would be her new home. London was her home.

The camera lights were too bright as Lucy and Harry exited the airport terminal in London. It was as if all the paparazzi decided to come back to London with them. Her eyes burned. Colorful dots danced in her vision. People yelled at her. Questioned were asked. More people yelled. They bumped into each other, throwing their cameras forward to get a better picture. They fought each other for the opportunity to get the same picture hundreds of times.

Harry held Lucy's hand as they walked. His bodyguards returned. Around them, civilians were pushed aside as if they were nothing. Lucy used to be that person who was pushed aside, now people were pushed over because of her. That left a bad taste in her mouth. Yet, Harry pushed through the crowd with his hand holding hers, head down to bulldozer through. It surprised Lucy how quickly Harry could do this, but it was probably because of his years of training.

A car waited outside for the couple. Their bags were already loaded inside. The car was sleek and black, shining in the London sun. The windows were mostly clear, allowing people to easily see inside. Lucy assumed that wasn't supposed to bother her anymore. The door was left open for the couple as more bodyguards waited around.

The closer they got to the car, Harry's hand slipped away from hers. He gently pushed her in front of him so that she got into the car before him, as if another sign of protection. Lucy wasn't sure if she liked it. She had always been used to protecting herself, but Harry had promised to protect her. He tried to do this before, but she had it before.

Before, they were in Africa. He got stabbed and survived. And then they were in London together, when they began to date. He tried to protect her when she worked for refugees and someone threw fireballs into her work place. Yet, she survived. Lucy survived almost being burned alive, but she also survived being shot. To have someone protect her now, it wasn't normal. She even got mugged recently. He couldn't protect her from that. Yet, Harry couldn't physically protect her, and she didn't want him to physically protect her. No one needed to jump in front of a bullet for another person. But Harry wanted to protect her from the world outside, the paparazzi that would always follow her. He wanted to protect their life together.

Lucy got into the warmed up car. The seats were nice, firm and she immediately put on her seat belt. Harry watched outside before he, too, got into the car. The door was closed behind him, by a bodyguard, not by him. It was strange to Lucy too, how she would now not have to open and close doors. There were people there for that, when she the magically ability to do it. It was another small thing that Lucy would end up missing from her old life.

Harry put on his seat belt too, but she knew that sometimes he didn't even wear one.

London flashed past the windows of the car. Gray clouds blurred the vision. The world moved quickly. Lucy breathed again in London and immediately smelt the Thames. She didn't miss that while in Minnesota. There were parts of London she did miss, and though she loved just spending time with Harry, sometimes she grew bored. In London, she never grew bored. There was always something to do.

As London blew past her, so did the people on the streets in the cold, walking to and from during the busy business week. The cold here wasn't even bad. After the weather in Minnesota, there was an easy chance that Lucy wouldn't be wearing a jacket for the next couple days. Harry didn't even need to wear a jacket.

Harry was more relaxed with having returned to London. He was at home once again. His fingers interlaced with Lucy's, but he watched outside. Lucy was glad he did.

Swallowing, Lucy was scared, one of the only times in her life. She didn't know what was coming next. She didn't know how her life would be with Harry. She didn't know if she had with Harry would even work out. There were many unknowns, and they would have to be dealt with forever. Lucy wanted to vomit and it wasn't because someone might jump out of nowhere with a knife. She highly doubted that. For once her life, she was sure she was safe. The vomiting feeling came from unknown and the regret. Lucy knew to regret nothing but she left everything behind. Even with Harry beside her, he didn't know the future. He couldn't promise her a future.

Glancing over to her, he smiled. "Welcome home."

Lucy blinked and smiled, taking in a big breath. "Yes, home."

London continued to fly past until it slowed down. A park sprawled out and people walked around a little slower. Ahead of them, Kensington Palace bloomed on the spot. It arose and continued to rise. It grew outward, taking up most of the land in her sight. Then it just grew more, never ending.

The car took a turn. The gates opened to Kensington Palace. The car entered. The gates closed behind them. The car continued to drive until it stopped outside Harry's apartment, which had been unused while he was in Minnesota with her.

Stepping out of the car, the door was held open for Lucy, and she sighed. Kensington Palace stood in front of her, all built up. This was her home, forever.

Harry came around to the side of the car and took her hand. He led her inside.

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