Chapter Thirty-Six

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Days passed, and it was straight back to Harry and Lucy's old schedule. However, both felt on sudden edge. With the impending news of Lucy's infertility, it was quite tense sometimes. Harry found himself tiptoeing around certain subjects. Lucy snapped at him not to do that. She wanted him to speak to her as if nothing happened. Perhaps good news would have came out of this, not bad.

Christmas came easily. Harry had snowy Christmases but never like this. Snow covered everything. If he didn't have Lucy, he would've been stuck inside the house. Lucy knew how to drive in snow easily, upon having grown up here. Her ability made her even more wonderful. This was Harry's first Christmas away from his family, and he couldn't understand how Lucy did it. He missed his brother too much.

Lucy's family celebrated together on Christmas Eve, a new tradition for Harry, as she drove again. Paparazzi had slowly tapered off around Christmas, going home to their families finally. Still Lucy drove the opposite way to draw them away from her own family in protection. They both did certain things to protect the ones they loved. Lucy eventually drove south.

After reaching the house, Harry helped Lucy bring in presents and food. The best moments in Minnesota was getting ready for Christmas. Harry had helped Lucy uncover the driveway from snow, she being allowed to snow blow and him shoveling. And then there were the time she baked and he helped. Lucy didn't bake often and she cooked never. She used her mother's recipes to make fudge and Oreo balls, and then bake sugar cookies and peanut butter with chocolate star cookies. She brought a whole tray of them. Harry cursed himself every time he ate a bite, knowing he would have to work it off later.

Children ran around in the house as Lucy and Harry entered. There wasn't special treatment now. No one stared at him. He was part of the family. Lucy took the presents and placed them under the tree; Harry placed the tray of treats in the kitchen. Quick children grabbed the cookies and ran off. Lucy joined him in the kitchen. Her body leaned on his as his arm snaked around her shoulders. She kissed him on the cheek and whispered something under her breath; Harry blushed.

Almost on the clockwork, Harry was taken away from Lucy by the little girls and one boy. They led him downstairs and into a play room. All the girls had brought their princess outfits. The boy played too, wearing one of the plastic tiaras. The girls laughed as they took their places around the room. Most of them had on clear plastic slippers, as if Prince Harry would place them on their feet again. Like a gentleman, he did.

"Lucy, where's your dress?" asked one of the girls. "You're a princess."

Harry glanced over to his girlfriend and smiled.

Shaking her head, she walked over to the toy box. "I'm not a princess. I'm a warrior. See I have the sword." Lucy pulled out a foam sword. "I protect the prince."

"You're the girl," groaned one of the girls.

Lucy gave a small glare to the small child. "And I'm warrior. It's possible to be a girl and be the warrior."

"Can you even fight?"

"Oh, sweetie, you have no idea," Lucy muttered, referring to her past. She had the warrior part down; she didn't have the princess part to save her life. Lucy flipped the sword in her hand, catching it easily. "Who shall I fight first?"

Prince Harry stuck up his hand. "I challenge you to a dual."

"I'm supposed to be protecting you," she mocked.

"Think of it as practice for the real monsters to come."

Harry stood and retrieved a foam sword, and stood on guard. Of course he knew how to fence. Lucy didn't have the training but she was quick on her feet. That had to count for something, right?

Lunging forward, Harry swung his foam sword at Lucy, which she blocked. The couple put on a good show for the small children that gathered around to watch. Harry found himself becoming more impressed by the second with the easiness of Lucy's moves. Though foam swords, she was quick. Harry was trained by the British Armed Forces and Lucy just had her life experience. One beat the other.

"Dinner!" was called down to the children. The little girls and boy ran up the stairs quickly to rejoin their family members while Harry and Lucy stayed for a moment.

"Aren't you competitive?" Lucy asked.

"Only when I win," he responded.

Harry grabbed Lucy's hand and led her upstairs.

Dinner was served with all the helpings. Harry had purposely tried not to eat all day so that he could gorge himself here. Each small family inside the large family brought something special, and perhaps several dishes to the large gathering of forty people. Now, Harry could name them all, just pop down the list. To impress Lucy, he even went through them.

Harry gobbled down the food while Lucy nibbled on things around her. She never ate much at family gatherings. During this time, she held the newborn baby girl in her arms, not even a week old yet. The small infant was fast asleep and Lucy watched the child carefully, as if she would turn to water at any moment and fall through her arms. Harry couldn't take his eyes off of her, his heart bursting.

After dinner, the children were antsy for presents and eventually the grownups gave in as they all went downstairs again. The children gathered by their parents before being tasked to pass out presents. Harry and Lucy were off to the side of the room, on the right wall. Usually it was the children who gained the most at Christmas, but Harry and Lucy ended up receiving presents from all around the room.

"Open it," called one of Lucy's uncles to Harry.

He had no choice and opened the box. It was a red and blue flannel, and Harry needed it badly for the cold weather up here. A smile crossed his face as he held it up. However, chuckles came from around the room, which made Lucy looked at the back of the shirt and laugh too. Harry turned it around and it was written Lucy Smith's Boy Toy: (Prince) Harry. Harry got a kick out of it too. "Thank you."

More presents were opened, especially by the young couple. There were a few more personal things for them. More jokes were pulled on Harry, like warmer clothes and Spam. Harry tried to ask Lucy what Spam was, when it looked like meat in a can. Lucy couldn't even explain it, and she had lived in Minnesota her whole life. Some house warming gifts were given, as if the couple planned to live with each other soon. Every time this happened, Lucy would shoot a glare at the family member but they would smile widely at her.

It was dark outside as the family gathering neared the end. Harry was filled up with food and most of the Christmas treats were gone. He reminded himself that when he returned to London, he needed to started exercising again.

It took a long time to leave as Lucy said good-bye to all of her family members. There were tears in her eyes as she said farewell, as if she would never see them again. Perhaps, she might not see them for a long time. Pain tore at Harry's heart, when she couldn't be with her family. She was with his. She lived in London and barely went home. He decided then they would come back every year for Thanksgiving. This wouldn't be her last time with them. She lost too much of her family already.

Lucy drove home with Harry resting beside her. He wanted to stay awake when they got back but even then, she knew it wasn't going to happen.

Within the house, the Christmas tree had been put up by the couple with colorful Christmas lights and ornaments. Harry and Lucy shed their coats and boots and put everything down the dining table before laying on the couch together. Already Christmas movies were on with the local news saying Santa Claus moved across the U.S.

Harry laid down and pulled his girlfriend on top of him. She giggled. Harry planted a kiss upon her lips as he curled his arms around her. Lucy pulled some blankets over them. Warmth began to spread through Harry. His eyelids began to droop. And then Harry fell asleep.

The Sword (Prince Harry fanfic #3)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz