Karma Strikes Again

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"Leo!," said Piper, "put that down!" Leo pouted and reluctantly set down his mini firework display.

"Yes mother....," he muttered under his breath. It was a perfect day. The sun was shining, no clouds were in the blue sky. The seven were having a picnic by the Big House. Percy looked around, he smiled at the sight of all his best friends in one place. He loved it like this. In these few minutes, nothing could go wrong.

"Hey, guys. It's so perfect today. Just sitting out here and chillaxing....nothing can go wrong!," Percy told the seven while grinning ear to ear.

" Oh no!," stammered Hazel dramatically," don't ever say that! Karma is gonna get you back!" She looked truly frightened, looking up now and then to check if the clouds were closing in.

"Hazel, there is no God or Goddess called Karma...," Percy told her. His arm was draped around his loving girlfriend, Annabeth.

"Hey, for all we know, Hazel might be right," Annabeth said momentarily looking up from her book, "we've already met so many other mythologies! There's Greek, Roman, Egyptian, and my cousin is Asgaurdian!" Percy looked at her with a pained expression.

"I thought you were supposed to be on my side, wise girl!," he reminded her, pouting. Annabeth only shrugged, then dug her head back into his chest. But not before slipping a quick glance at Jason...what was that all about? Percy decided to let it slide. Annabeth was totally devoted to him! They had survived Tarturus together! She would never betray him...

"Well, it is a great day...I think we should enjoy it!," Jason told them giving Piper a soft peck on the cheek. From the corner of his eye, Percy could see Annabeth whiten and grip the book tighter. Deep creases formed in the hard cover Of the book. He didn't really care much about that at the moment, because he was absorbed in the wonderful magnificence of Piper's multi-colored eyes. He tried to keep track of each color. Emerald Green...Amber Orange...Pine wood Brown...Diamond Blue...Turquoise... Then all the colors started to mix together, forming beautiful colors that didn't even exist. They were too pretty to be known in this pathetic world. But now Percy was in his own world. With the magnificent colors surrounding him. There was a rumor around camp that stated that Piper's eyes reflected the color of the soul of the person staring into it. For a second, his ADHD side of his seaweed brain wondered what color Gaea or Kronos would see if they looked into Piper's eyes. He was brought out of his fantasy world when Annabeth snapped her fingers in his face.

"Huh? Wait, Wa?," he stammered looking around. Everybody was staring at him. Jason had moved two inches close to Piper, and Piper was blushing furiously.

"Why were you staring at McLean, Jackson?," Frank asked with a smirk.

" Remember that old rumor that went around about Piper's eyes?"
Everybody nodded.

"Well I was kinda wondering what Gaea or Kronos would see if they looked into her eyes."

It took a second, but the seven eventually all burst out laughing. Their moment was ruined when Chiron trotted out of the big house and up to them.

"Heroes, I have news that you may not like," he said. His tone was commanding and straight-forward. Each of them had learned never to question Chiron when he used that tone. Hazel glared at Percy pointedly.

"Did I not warn you!?," she chided," KARMA!!" She huffed then turned to follow Chiron. They were all comfortably seated when Chiron made his big announcement.

"Demigods, the Olympians have declared to send you seven to high school," he declared in his no-nonsense voice. It took a while for the news to settle in, but when it finally did, all of them started to throw out complaints at the same time.

"QUIET," Chiron commanded, "One at a time." Annabeth went first.

" Well, I guess it would be a pretty good learning experience," she tried, "we could should actually jump at a chance to fit in with the mortals." After her claim, the room burst into chaos once again.

"QUIET," Chiron yelled once again, "what do you have to say about this Jason?" Jason shrugged then said,

"I guess I kinda agree with Annabeth..." Annabeth smiled triumphantly.

"And you Persues?," Chiron question looking over at Percy. "It's Percy," Percy corrected automatically, "and I guess if Annabeth agreed with the plan then I'll agree too. After all, she's the smart one.


"Sure, whatever Percy said," she told them, making Percy blush.

"OK, most of you have followed Annabeth's example, which means you shall be entering...high school." Leo banged his head on the Ping Pong table.

"NOOOOOOOOO," he moaned. Chiron just smiled.

"Oh, and Leo, the gods thought that you would react like this, so they have a surprise for you," Chiron told him.

Leo perked up immediately, "Oh? OK!," he agreed, jumping up. "Argus shall drive you to your new home right after lunch tomorrow, so I suggest you start packing," Chiron said.

The seven got up and scurried out of the Big House.

Okay, so I have officially published the first chapter. Remember this is my first story, so constructive criticism only! Was it good? Please be truthful! Thank you for giving this story a chance, and I hope I haven't disappointed you guys!
-FanGal02 :O)

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