My Favorite Book and Fictional Character (A/N)

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    Hey guys it's me again. I would like to thank @A_Pineapple for wishing me luck on my finals! I got straight A's this semester, and now I get to live another year! Well, until second semester finals, that is. I have to study again because the day I get back, I have another Algebra 2/Trig test that's all or nothing. I suppose it's going to be easy because it's all or nothing , but an easy problem for my math teacher is:
1. Vectors a(1,0), b(1,1), c(-1,0) are given. Find such numbers λ and μ that make the equality correct: c=λa+μb.
10(cos 5π/6 +i sin 5π/6)
If any of you actually did them, I don't know the answers I just wrote down something random. The point is, I'm so not going to survive next semester.

But anyway, I gave you guys some options about two weeks ago as to what bonus you wanted me to do, and naturally, you guys had to choose the hardest one 😑:
My favorite book and fictional character.

So I did a lot of thinking and it was so hard because there are so many good books and fictional characters out there.

I finally settled on The Outsiders as my favorite book. Mark of Athena used to be my favorite, but then I read The Outsiders. This book really captures the struggles of poorer and less fortunate kids and what they have to do to survive. It also highlights the fact that family doesn't have to be blood, and it reminds it's readers about what family is supposed to be. SPOILER: There's a lot of tragedy and my favorite character dies (It's kind of funny that in pretty much EVERY BOOK I read, my favorite character either is a traitor, dies, turns evil, becomes blind, or some other horrible tragedy happens to them). END OF SPOILER. Anyway, if you're looking for a good read, I definitely suggest The Outsiders by S.E Hinton.

And my favorite fictional character. This one was harder to choose than favorite book because there are so many to choose from! I decided that Jason Todd is my favorite character right now. He's Batman's second son. He was raised on the streets of Gotham, where Batman found him, trying to steal tires off the freaking Batmbile and he died at the hands of the Joker when he tried to save his biological mother who actually sold him out to the Joker. However, Jason died trying to shield her from a fatal explosion, even after he figured out that his mother betrayed him. Later, he is woken from death when something (I can't recall what it was) sends a jolt through the Earth. He has to claw his way out of his tomb and out of six feet of dirt. When he finds out that Batman 'replaced' him with Tim Drake, Jason becomes the Anti-Hero known as the Red Hood who kills villains but has mercy on thieves because he himself use to be a thief and he knows that they are only doing it to provide for their families. I learned everything I know about him through fanfictions because my parent are super against comics. They think comics burn away brain cells 🙄. So not everything might be accurate. The thing is, Jason is super funny, in a dark humor kind of way, but he has a lot of layers and has been through so much.

That's my list.

I'll give you guys an extra and say that my favorite Heroes of Olympus character is either Piper or Reyna because they're bomb.

Anyways, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, my wonderful readers.

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