Her Golden Locks

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SORRY!!!! It's been like half a year since I last wrote anything, and I'm SO SO SORRY. Anyways, thx for all your positive comments, and special gratitude to my AMAZHANG followers!!!!!!!! So back to the story! When we left off, Annabeth found Jason standing outside his door. Jason. Annabeth. Alone. In a bedroom. What's going to happen?Anyways, thanks for staying with me, and I hope you like this chapter.


After the awkward, but glorious, moment with Annabeth, Jason headed down the light blue corridor. The walls emitted its own LED light. Jason traced his hand on the walls and stopped at the dead end.

In his way, was a sky blue door that had a silver nameplate nailed into it. His name was written in dark blue ink and in neat cursive. Jason smiled, and fingered the silver doorknob. He took a deep breath, and entered his room.

All walls were white, except the wall that stood opposite of him. That one was painted a magnificent sky blue shade. A white bed lay against it. The bed had a blue comforter and five fluffy pillows. Three of which were light blue, while the other two were light grey. Jason found a large flat screen T.V opposite the the bed. The screen itself was black, but the sides were a grey color with a noticeable tinge of light blue.

Next to his bed was a white night stand, with a blue lamp. On it, he found the blue remote, and one blue game controller, along the with another light grey one.

He smiled to himself and noticed a light blue desk facing the wall to the right of the bed. It had a black frame, and a black spin chair was tucked into it. A black desk lamp stood on the desk. A light blue Jansport backpack with grey straps hung from the chair. Jason observed that wall, and found a grey door just a few feet away from the desk.

He walked the length, and found himself peering into a full bathroom. There was a shower, and three walls were white. The wall that held the mirror and the marble sink was sky blue. On the sink was a dark blue vase with a single light blue rose in it.

Jason turned around to find two closet doors opposite of the bathroom. He made his way to the doors, and slid them open. Th closet was impossibly large. On the left side were all the fancy clothes, but the right was where he was truly home. He made his way down the closet. Dress shirts, Dress pants, Shirts, Jeans, Pants, shorts, pajama shirts, pajama pants, Tux jackets, regular jackets, swim trunks. On the end was a drawer with five trays. Jason raised an eyebrow curiously, and pulled open the top drawer. In it were shoes. So many shoes. There were soccer cleats, tennis shoes, sneakers, basically anything. He closed that drawer and moved to the next one down. In it, resided accessories. There were so many kinds of watches, exercise bands, and everything. Jason shook his head and closed that one too. In the next drawer, he found sports wear. Helmets, caps,  tennis balls, swimming goggles, more than he could list. In the next drawer, he saw ties of all kinds. There were even bow ties. Finally, in the last drawer, he found undershirts and underwear. Jason sighed and shut the drawer. He stood up, and caught sight of a button that blended perfectly into the wall. He poked it carefully, and the wall at the end of the closet slid open.

Jason stepped into the new room. His eyes widened as he felt nothing but thin air under him.

Jason let out a startled shriek as he plummeted to the ground

This is the End, he thought
I'm gonna die and I haven't even told Annabeth how I feel about her.
Oh my gods, I'm too young to die!

Then he remembered
Oh wait, I can fly!

Just as he was about to become a demigod pancake, he pushed off the air below him and shot up ten, fifteen, twenty feet up until he passed the roof of the house. There, he stood on the air, marveling at the city before him. The sun was setting behind the faraway beach and lights dotted the magnificent scenery.

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