Woah, that's a big house!

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    Ok. First off, don't ever, like, ever go on a road trip with five other ADHD demigods (excluding Frank).

It's ridiculous what you would hear and experience if you do. Three hours hour they left camp, the demigods arrived at their 'house'. All of them rushed off the van at once.

Piper's legs felt like jelly when she finally set foot on the hard driveway. She looked up. The house was huge! No, it wasn't a house, it was a MANSION.

"Woah, that's a really big house!," muttered Percy beside her. Piper smiled at her friend's idiocy while Annabeth smacked him upside the head. "Yow!," yelped Percy, "ya'know just a shake of the head would be just fine!"

Annabeth laughed at her boyfriend, but Piper noticed that the laugh was forced and without humor. They continued staring at the exterior of the house. The house had seven floors, and Piper couldn't wait to explore the interior. She would've rushed right in if Annabeth wasn't still in a daze, but as a daughter of Athena, she had to marvel at the amazing architecture. The front door was elevated one floor up, and two gold flights of stairs swerved up to meet each other at the top, where the door was. Between the stairs was a gigantic marble fountain that featured a nude Eros spitting out pure, fresh water.

"Eeeeewwwwww," groaned Leo, "I have been scarred for life."

Bay windows were littered all over the house. One pair was on the floor below the grand double doors that was marble and embroiled in gold (front doors). Above those were another pair of white marble windows. Gold covered the corner of each of the long three Windows that made up the bay window. One foot above was the biggest bay window of all of them. It had gold frames with marble lining and the glass was one side. When looking from the outside, the glass acted as a mirror, but from the inside it was normal window. On each side of the big bay window was a regular bay window, just like the ones on the first two floors. Piper was too excited to care about any other features (which also means that I'm too lazy to write everything down).

The seven climbed the gold stairs and entered through the nice, grand entrance.

The interior whisked Piper's breath away. They walked into a HUMONGOUS living room. Everything was white and clean, except the big black vase of plants beside the biggest TV Piper had ever seen. The TV had a thin gold rim. It was about 15x17 feet. Off to the side was a rather long dinner table. It was marble and very modern. It had a nice wooden base and twelve leather chairs. Next to it, a fancy glass wall with silver lining separated the dining room from the kitchen. The kitchen had a nice black countertop and a white base.

Piper didn't know what anything else was for because she had never spent time in the kitchen. Piper usually had chefs at home, and she had never once been put on kitchen duty at camp. And yet, Piper still wasn't a spoiled brat. Piper smiled at the thought that separated her from Drew Tanaka.

Beside the kitchen was a flight of marble stairs that led downstairs. On the far wall of the living room, there was an elevator and a small hidden bathroom. If you were to stand on the middle of this floor, you could see up to the ceiling where a huge diamond chandelier hung (IKR, so dangerous).

The middle of the entire building was hollowed out! That was so cool. They all decided to go down stairs first. They descended down the classy golden stairs and found themselves in a black room. The walls were completely black, and a big brown, fluffy rug was laid out beneath everything. There was a big TV. It was not as big as the one upstairs, but it would do. There was a pingpong table and that was pushed to the wall right next to the stairs. A disco ball hung from the ceiling, and white couches were arranged neatly in the middle of the room. Annabeth discovered a red, blue, and white button on the wall. It was carefully hidden behind the stairs.

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