Part 22

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The moment I entered Claire's spacious home, I was assaulted by the mouthwatering smell of melted cheese. 

"I'm home," I announced as quietly as possible, my stomach rumbling at the tempting aroma. 

Hoping that Claire was away in her bedroom, I bolted for the stairs, taking them two at a time.

"Lee," her distant voice stopped me dead in my tracks. 

I closed my eyes, swearing under my breath. 

So much for trying to slip by unnoticed.  

"Leena," she called again, sounding closer this time.

I backtracked into the living room and found Claire standing by the couch, casually nursing a glass of red wine.

"Hey," I mumbled.

After our altercation at the restaurant that afternoon, I was reluctant to confront Claire. I afraid that I would see the angry, resentful side of her again. 

What if she's still upset? 

What if she wants to tell me off for bringing up the divorce at the restaurant?

"Hi, darling," she greeted, her warm tone taking me by surprise. "Did you have a nice time with Jason?"

"Uh, y-yeah," I faltered.

"Come on," she urged, tugging me towards the dining table near the fireplace. "I've made mac and cheese. Eat and tell me about your evening."

Perplexed by Claire's cheery mood, I studied her carefully. An earnest smile rested on her lips as she waited for me to follow her. 

Well, I thought with a shrug. If she's going to pretend like that lunch didn't happen, I will, too.

"Okay, I just have to get changed first," I said. "I'll be downstairs in a minute."

"Hurry," Claire called as I bounded up the stairs, not knowing whether to feel relieved or hurt.


"I can make reservations for you and Jason at The Secret Garden. It's a bit short notice, but I have a friend there," Claire enthused, grinning at me from across the dining table. "And I'd love to take you dress shopping, darling! I know this great boutique in the city. I can take you in the afternoon tomorrow."

"Thank you!" I gushed as her genuine excitement leeched into me.

"We can go to the Walk of Fame and Madame Tussaud's, too," she suggested, adjusting her high ponytail as she looked at me hopefully. 

"Yeah, that sounds fun," I beamed, swallowing a delicious, comforting spoonful of macaroni.

Twenty minutes later, I shoved the French windows in my bedroom wide open, my phone dangling between my fingers precariously. Most of the room was bathed in the faint glow of streetlights that filtered in through the windows. A few paces in front of the queen-sized bed, the large walk-in closet was enveloped in darkness. 

Climbing into the cozy bed, I unlocked my phone. When I clicked on the email application, I was pleasantly surprised to see Chris online. 

I opened a chat window and fired off a message:

me: Hey Chris!

Chris: Hi!

me: What time is it in Aus right now? It must be really early in the morning?

Chris: Haha yeah, it's 4:39 AM to be exact.

me: What are you doing up at this hour?!

Chris: Couldn't sleep. I don't have any classes tomorrow so...

Chris: *today haha

me: Okay!

me: So how's everything?

Chris: It's all good! Uni is a bit crazy but I'm getting the hang of it. :)

me: Good! How's the family?

Chris: They're fine from what I could tell on Skype, anyway. I miss being home. :/

me: I know. Sorry. :/

Chris: It's alright. Let's not talk about that. Tell me about you!

Chris: Have you made friends in LA? Seen any Hollywood attractions?

I paused after reading the last message, my thumbs hovering over the screen. 

Almost like a reflex action, my face opened up with a smile at the thought of Jason. I was beaming stupidly, composing a message about him in my head when I noticed something different about Chris's profile picture.

The picture of Chris sitting on a park bench had been replaced by a picture of him and a curvy, dark-haired girl standing with their cheeks pressed together in the midst of what appeared to be a frat party. They held red plastic cups high in the air, smiling into the camera.

Is that Chris's new girlfriend?

I grinned curiously as I returned to the chat window.

me: Hey I just noticed your new profile pcture. Who's the pretty girl?

me: *picture

Chris: Oh that's Delphine, my girlfriend.

me: Wow! How long have you been dating?

Chris: Just about two weeks. We met at one of my classes. :)

me: Chris, that's so great! :)

Chris: Thanks Lee!

Chris: You didn't answer my question though. :P

me: Oh sorry! Yeah, I'm going to see the walk of fame and the wax museum tomorrow.

Chris: Oh awesome!

me: I've already seen some really cool places... I went to the "world's greatest candy store" with a guy I met here, Jason. I actually have a date with him Sunday night. 

Chris: Lee, I'm so happy for you!

Chris: Where did you two meet? 

me: We met at the café where he works. He's on his gap year like me.

Chris: Nice! I'm really happy to hear that you're dating and having fun. You deserve it. :)

me: Thanks for saying that Chris. :)

me: Hey, I have a big day ahead tomorrow so I better go to sleep. You should too! We'll chat another time!

Chris: Alright Lee. TTYL! 

me: Bye! 

My mind reeled with a giddy sense of joy as I shut off my phone and collapsed onto the soft, fluffy pillows. Unable to contain my excitement, I squealed, equally eager and anxious for the weekend that was to come. 

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