Part 29

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Claire's face was set in annoyance as she stabbed a mushroom with her fork, muttering unintelligibly.

Maybe it's just Monday blues, I thought to myself, watching her from across the Thai restaurant table. 

"Is everything okay, Claire?" I ventured, smiling at her cautiously. 

"It's work," she complained, tucking her straight blonde hair behind her ears. "I have to fly out to DC tomorrow."

"Washington DC?" I asked stupidly.

"That's the one," Claire said with a humourless laugh. "My client is having a crisis. My boss sprang it on me this morning. I tried talking him out of it, but he wouldn't budge."

"How long do you have to stay there?" I asked, several questions competing for attention inside my head.

"Three days," she muttered. "The flight's at nine in the morning tomorrow. I'll be back on Thursday evening."

Not knowing what to say, I chewed my food in silence. 

"I'm so sorry about this, darling," she sighed, her eyebrows furrowed in indecision. "I'm not sure what I should do. I can't leave you here all by yourself for two nights. But if I take you with me to DC, you're just going to be alone in the hotel room for most of the time. I don't know if that's any safer."

Two nights alone in Claire's house. 

My heart thumped with excitement when Jason's name popped into my head instantly.

"It's safer for me to stay here," I rushed to say. "Can I please stay?"

Claire stared at me, her gaze sharp and knowing. My skin prickled at the thought of her realising my true intentions.

After a long silence, she nodded in resignation. 

"You can stay," she sighed. 

"Thanks," I gushed, doing my best to conceal the ecstatic smile that was threatening to take over my face.

"Oh, I need to buy some supplies for the trip," Claire said a few moments later. "I'm going to the supermarket after work. Should I do that before I pick you up, or will you come with me?"

"I'll come with you," I said. 

"Okay," Claire smiled.

Approximately fifteen minutes later, Claire dropped me off in front of Java Lava before driving back to work. I straightened my shoulders and smiled, eager to tell Jason about Claire's trip. 

A tinkling sound announced my arrival as I pushed through the café's door. Jason and Emily were busy attending to a middle-aged couple. I walked over to the billing counter, scanning the café's length and breadth as I waited for my turn. To my relief, the stern café manager was nowhere to be found. 

A few moments later, the couple headed towards one of the tables. I stepped forward, offering Emily a greeting before turning to Jason.

"Hey," Jason said, breaking into a genuine smile when he noticed me. "What can I get you today?"

"Hey," I replied. Digging into my backpack, I produced a five dollar bill. "Can I have half a chocolate muffin, please?"

Jason typed on the computer keyboard before handing me my change, which I dropped into the glass tip jar.

"Half a chocolate muffin," he announced with a wink. "Coming right up."

While Emily operated the coffee machine, Jason reached into the well-lit glass display to fetch one of the oversized chocolate muffins.

This Love | ✓حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن