Part 46

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"I love you so much," Jason breathed, his hazel and grey irises an inch away from mine.

"I love you," I sighed, the words sounding beautiful and honest as they rolled off my lips.

Jason pressed his fingers against my lips in a feathery touch.

"Say it again," he whispered.

"I love you," I repeated, my smile widening as I chanted the truth.

The sparsely crowded café blurred into the background, all the colours and sounds fading. At that moment, only Jason mattered.

Suddenly, I heard my name being called, loud and urgent. I strained to make out the familiar voice, feminine and distant. I felt a set of slender hands shaking my shoulders.


Her voice sounded clearer when she said, "Darling, wake up."

My eyelids fluttered open. Disappointment flooded my sleep-addled brain when I realised that I had only been dreaming.

"Good morning," Claire greeted me, her green eyes especially bright against her fresh, make-up free complexion.

"Good morning," I muttered groggily, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes. "What time is it?"

"It's around nine," she replied. "We should get ready to go now. You need to be at the airport three hours before your flight. There's going to be heavy traffic, and it's a long drive."

"Okay," I said, guilt and regret niggling at me.

If only I'd realised the truth sooner.

Reading my mind, Claire smiled encouragingly. 

"It's better late than never, darling," she said. 

"Right," I agreed, mustering a small smile.

Running my hands through my messy, knotted hair, I climbed out of bed.

"I'll see you downstairs in half an hour, okay?" Claire smiled as she walked towards the bedroom door.

"Okay," I nodded, hurrying into the closet to fetch my outfit for the day.

I took a quick shower, forgoing the luxury of one last soak in the porcelain bathtub. I shrugged into a pastel pink tunic and printed white leggings before scrambling to straighten my hair in under fifteen minutes. To hide my hastily styled locks, I tucked them into a low bun.

With my backpack strapped to my shoulder and suitcase in hand, I looked around the compact bedroom that held beautiful memories. I ran my fingers across the wooden desk, the soft sheets on the queen-sized bed, the simple cream walls. 

Sighing, I walked to the balcony to savour the view one last time. Unlike the sweltering weekend, the sun cast its rays across the mountain in soft, friendly shafts. I took a big gulp of air, enjoying the saline caress of the ocean breeze.

"Lee?" Claire's voice floated from downstairs.

"Coming," I called in response, casting the towering peak a final glance.

I shuffled out of the bedroom. My throat constricted as I shut the door behind me firmly. 

Downstairs, Claire was sitting at the kitchen counter, looking gorgeous in a sophisticated grey dress. 

"Here you go," she smiled, handing me a blue bowl of salad. 

We ate the light salad of greens in silence, my eyes set on the patio outside. I wanted to thank Claire again and tell her how much I would miss her. But I decided to save my goodbyes until we reached the airport. 

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