Chapter Four

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Thanks to both Lacy and the principle I had missed physics class and am now late to English.

I couldn't be bothered with knocking on the door so I barged into the classroom and everyone stared at me.

"Ms Blue why are you late?" the teacher asked annoyed.

"Had to go to the bathroom, kind of an emergency" I smiled hoping he'd understand. You know, that time of the month.

"Detention, sit down" the teacher glared at me.

I looked around the room and noticed there was only one seat left. Right in front of Chase. I avoided his heated gaze and sat down in front of him trying to zone into the lesson.

About ten minutes later I felt constant tapping on my back. At first I could tolerate it, but then it started driving me crazy. I finally gave up and turned to face Chase.

"What?!" I whisper-yelled annoyed.

"Do you hate me?" He asked, raising a brow.

"Oh no, I just strongly dislike you and want to murder you" I replied whilst Chase smirked at me.

I heard him lean back and reply mainly to himself. "I take that as a yes".

I turned back around to face the one and only teacher.

"Ms Blue why are you talking during my lesson?" the teacher asked annoyed.

"Why are you talking during my conversation" I muttered under my breath slightly annoyed.

"Get out of my classroom now" the teacher said.

"Gladly" I replied

"Seeya in detention" I heard Chase say.

"Who said I was going" I replied back. Before the teacher could reply I shut the door.

I knew that I was being over dramatic about everything but Chase was really starting to get under my nerve and the teachers just added to it. My rant was interrupted as I spotted a familiar figure standing next to a locker. 

"Charlie?" I asked unsure.

She turned to me and smiled in recognition before a scowl crossed her face.

"You missy have got a lot of explaining to do. Firstly you kick the bad boy in the nuts. Then you pick a fight with the popular girl-" I rolled my eyes at the name "and then you get heaps of detention slips. In which it's only your first day back" she finished and then hugged me. "It's so good to see you" she said.

"How did you know all of that?" I asked.

"I'm still trying to figure out if they're rumours or true" she mumbled.

Charlie is a great friend of mine. She left school to go visit her mum that's in the hospital. I thought she would come back in a week's time but that turned into three months.

I leaned back from the hug giving her an uneasy look. "How's you mum?"

I knew things with her mum were really bad. Charlie's mum was barely hanging on especially when she had a stroke and was immediately put into a coma. Her condition was worsening as the days went by and that could only mean that her mum wasn't with us now. If my mum was that sick I'd never leave her side knowing any minute she could give into the darkness.

"Oh she's fine, recovering right now" she waved her hand dismissing it.

I breathed a sigh of relief.

"God I can't believe it. You were always so serious about school. You wouldn't sleep at night if you got below 90%" she shook her head in confusion.

"I did not!" I argued defensively. I hate to admit it but it was true. It's not my fault one bad score and your atar score will drop massively. I mean I don't even get the point of an atar. The whole system is a disaster. They want us to do well but then they pit us against each other and we're basically competing to get the top spots.

"Look what the slut dragged back" I heard Lacy say standing in front of us with two girls beside her. She smirked at me proudly, placing her hand on her hip. I noticed her non-existent bruises on her face. Funny the principle didn't realise.

"Look, my back is not a voice mail if you got something to say, say it to my face" I said with an annoyed expression.

"Your just jealous your not like me" she glared at me.

"Think what you want Hun. Nobody cares" I turned away and continued walking, Charlieright by my side.

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