Chapter Six

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I wasn't as enthusiastic when detention was over. Mainly because I had no idea how I was going to explain this to mum, and I have no idea how she's going to react, which scared the crap out of me.

I opened up my phone and saw 20 missed calls from mom. 23 messages from mum and 5 messages from Charlie, great.

As soon as I stood outside the school ground I realised I didn't have a ride. It wasn't long before I realised that a bus was my only ride home and that it was half an hour away.

I cursed and sat down at the bus stop and plugged in my earphones. The music blaring in my ears and before I even realised, I had boarded the bus and made it home.

My plan was to think of a plan on the bus, but the music was too distracting and I forgot to think of a plan. So I thought of a new plan in five seconds, deciding to sneak into the house and pretend I was there the whole time.

Of course I didn't go through the front door because that's way too obvious so I went to the side of the house and to the window connected to my room. I'm definitely not stupid to leave my window open but it's broken and I can never be bothered to tell mum. It's not like anyone could think of breaking in though because it's too high. I stepped onto the heater we threw out a year ago and pushed open the window attempting to pull myself over. The thing is, I overestimated the width of the window and landed in my bedroom with a loud thud.

I sat completely stood my eyes squeezed together as I waited, hoping no one had heard.


I was surprised, not gonna lie. I mean, that sound could have been my brother. But I suppose my mother knows me too well.

I sighed in anger, mainly to myself as I shut the window and quickly took of my clothes and slipping on an oversized shirt. I was going for the 'sleeping look' so I ruffled my hair and left my room, satisfied with the look.

I opened the door and walked to the living room where mum stood with her hands on her hips. Josh sat on the ground on his laptop and both their eyes flickered up to me.

"Where were you?" she asked with concern.

"Sleeping" I smoothly replied looking directly into her eyes.

"It's bad to lie Ava" she replied back sternly. Damn, she knows me to well.

"Santa, tooth fairy, easter bunny... enough said" I replied blankly.

Josh jumped in. "Hey how'd you get changed so fast? Didn't you just come in through the window?" He asked innocently the side of his face tilting upwards.

I glared at him knowing where this was heading. My eyes jumped to mums to see her reaction.

She caught on. "I already know your windows broken and that's how you came in, how else would you get in because I locked the door and took out the spare key?" she raised a brow challenging me.

Damn, I didn't think that through. I ducked my head avoiding her gaze and instead glared at Josh.

"Where were you?" her voice was blunt and stern and I knew I had to respond.

"Detention" I mumbled. There was no point in lying, because she'd easily know.

I waited to be scolded. For her to be angry. Or disappointed. Heck even both of them.

But I got quite the opposite, instead a loud squeal coming from mum. Even Josh was surprised.

I was crushed by mum with a tight hug. "Oh my god my little baby is growing up" she pulled away with a proud smile. "I was starting to get really worried because when I was your age, I'd ditch school all the time and go clubbing-" she paused, "-I probably shouldn't be telling you that. But I swear I thought I had done something wrong, but I didn't drop you when you were younger although it could've been your grandmother.." she mumbled on and I gave her a pointed look.

"Mum" I stated in a bored tone.

She snapped out of it looking at me, "yes hunny?"

"Shut up" I bluntly replied. But that didn't wipe that smile off her face as she started walking away.

In a way too positive tone she yelled over her shoulder, "I'm gonna make some cookies"

This only meant one thing. She was proud. She rarely baked anything.

Definitely not the response I was expecting. But hey, I'm not complaining. Free cookies, I mean who could turn down that?

I stuck my tongue out at Josh. "Now who's the favourite child?"

A quick note of appreciation to my supportive readers, just wanted to let you know I love each and every one of yous and I hope your all having a lovely day :) 
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I'm Back BitchesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora