Chapter Forty-seven

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"That was so cool. You like walked in their like you already knew this place. And then you winked at them. You winked at them!" Laura caught up to us rather shocked.

"So? What's the matter? You can do that too" I shrugged casually.

Chantelle laughed. "One thing you need to know about Laura is that when she's near a guy she will literally faint" she said laughing again.

"I do not" Laura scowled glaring at Chantelle.

I laughed at Laura too. It seems like Laura would do that.

"Anyway who did you wave at?" I asked Chantelle curiously.

"That was my friend that's a boy" Chantelle replied.

I gave her a confused glance.

"She means boyfriend" Laura piped in which received a scowl from Chantelle.

"No I mean my friend that's a boy. Not a boyfriend-" Chantelle replied irritated but slapped her hand over her mouth when she said boyfriend.

"Shit" Chantelle cursed.

"What?" I asked looking at both of them confused.

"We did a bet at the start of the year that she can't say that he's her boyfriend or guy friend. Now I get fifty dollars" Laura said sticking her tongue out at Chantelle.

"Why?" I asked not understanding.

"Because it's funny. When Chantelle introduces her boyfriend she says: I'm Chantelle and this is my friend that's a boy. But the best part is that her boyfriend didn't even know about the bet" Laura said laughing. Now it was my time to laugh at Chantelle.

"Give me one more chance" Chantelle pleaded.

"No. I won fair and square" Laura replied.

"You're just scared you're gonna lose" Chantelle said.

"No I'm not" Laura replied.

"Laura's scared that she's gonna lose the bet" Chantelle sang.

"Fine then, we'll do it again but this time it's a hundred dollars" Laura said confidently.

"Deal" Chantelle agreed shaking her hand.

"We'll introduce you to the rest of our group later we need to know what your classes are" Laura said.

We went inside a building that had a whole row of lockers inside.

We stopped at an office that read:

Administration office

"Hello how can I help you?" She asked in a warm tone.

"Hi, my name is Avery Blue, I'm new here" I said.

"Oh yes" the women whose tag read Karen said. She stood up and opened a drawer where folders where. She took out one and handed it to me.

"All of your classes are on there and the school map too, we hope you enjoy this school" Karen smiled.

I thanked her and left.

As soon as I closed the door my papers were snatched off me by both Chantelle and Laura but Laura got to it first.

"We've got 2 classes together" Laura said excited.

"And we got 3 classes together" Chantelle said and poked her tongue at Laura.

"Your lockers not that far from ours" Chantelle said looking at my locker number.

Then the bell rang signalling the first period.

"We'll see you second period" Laura farewelled to me as did Chantelle.

I said my bye's to them and started walking down the now empty hallway looking for my locker number.

I finally found it but there was a guy standing right against my locker. I presumed his locker was above mine. I realised he was on his phone not bothering to move.

I waited for about two minutes but he still stood there texting on his phone.

I faked cough which got his attention. He smirked and checked me out, not he even bothering to cover it.

"Eyes up here buddy" I said rolling my eyes at him. There all the same. Pervs.

"Do you want a ride or something?" He asks looking interested.

"No. I would like you to kindly move so I can get to my locker" I said sweetly.

"Have you ever heard of patience?" He replied back smiling.

"By patience do you mean standing here for five minutes because I already did that" I said getting irritated with his existence.

"Nah I mean like ten minutes" He said in a dead serious tone.

Be patient. Be patient. Be patient.

I kept repeating it in my head trying to convince myself yet I knew I had zero patience.

"I'm sorry if this comes across the wrong way, but could you please move out of my god damn way. I'm already late to class on my first day so please don't make this any worse" I scowled, gritting my teeth.

He shut his locker, not bothered by my tone and started walking off with a smile.

"See you in class Avery" He held over his shoulder which made me completely stop.

How did he know my name? I started flicking over our conversation hoping I remembered that I told him my name. Yet there was no memory. 

The worst part is that I couldn't help but think that I've seen him before.


So how was this chapter? And what are your thoughts on the mystery person at the end?

Will be updating in 1 week.
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~ Ashley

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