Chapter Twenty

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Hey lovelies

Here's a double update so enjoy,

There's also a an important note at the end of the chapter so please don't skip!! *eyes the people that will scroll past*


I headed straight home from the airport as I know I'm gonna get it worse from mum if I come back later.

Like I thought, mum turnedup right in front of me as soon as I stepped inside. 

"Avery where have you been?" Mum asked with a worried expression.

"Dropped Charlie off at the airport" I replied with a sad tone, trying to get mum off my back.

"That was at 4:30" mum raised her brow waitingfor my explanation.

"Yeah I wanted to spend my last day with Charlie" I lied straight through my teeth.

Mum gave me that knowing look. The look when they know you're lying.

"How did you get there exactly?" She asked.

Damn I forgot to figure out a way to explain me borrowing Josh's car. Josh was in his room the whole day so I doubt he noticed his car missing.

"I used Charlie's car" I instantly replied, maybe way too quickly.

"Charlie doesn't even have a car"

How the hell did she even know that?

"Well we both caught a taxi" I tried justifying myself giving an innocent look.

She continued staring at me, her burning gaze making me squirm.

I lowered my tone and sighed in defeat. "Fine! I borrowed Josh's car"

She didn't seem angry or disappointed in me.

Instead she just shrugged. "Okay than" before sitting on the couch and reading a magazine.

I stared at her in slight shock. "Okay?" I asked rather unsure.

"As long as it's not my car" she answered back entranced in the magazine.

"Um, ok I'm just gonna leave" I turned around still frowning.


I was rudely interrupted from my dream when a bright light was thrust in front of me. I closed my eyes in frustration, hoping the light would just disappear. When the light continued to shine brightly I opened my eyes in frustration to see my mum opening the curtains.

I pulled the sheets over my head closing my eyes again. "Mum close the damn curtains. It's six in the morning" I groaned.

"No it's 8:30" she replied in a neutral tone.

I pulled the covers back alarmed by the time, I could've sworn I set my alarm. I scanned her face to see if she was lying. Her blank face said it all so I quickly dashed out of bed and got ready for school, not believing I had slept in again.

I made it to school in fifteen minutes and it was the usual physics, English, bio and maths classes. It was actually quite good as the teacher never picked on me.

I realised I shouldn't have said that because the next minute I was being called on. I made a mental note to touch wood three times after saying something like that.

"Avery, what is the answer to question 7?" the teacher asked staring directly at me.

Although it looked like I was distracted, drawing sketches of people, I was in fact listening and the teacher had no idea. He thought I just zoned out and knew I would look like a fool if he asked a question.

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