The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 10

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If Betsy had been expecting things to change as a result of the toe-curling, body tingling kiss with her boss she was sorely mistaken.

The imposing presence of Nicholas Davenport had become strangely absent. It had started from the moment they were riding in the car home together from the Giannopoulos dinner. With her lips swollen from the effects of his powerful kiss and her body still alive with the feel of his touch he had put as much space between them as possible. The two children sat between them in the back of the limo acting as a buffer. And he had not looked at her. His eyes had stared resolutely at anything but her.

The blonde rubbed a tired hand down her face and stumbled into the kitchen, her body carrying her towards the kettle on instinct. Flicking the switch to set the water to boil, Betsy allowed a loud sigh to escape her lips.

Even three weeks later the man was distant. When she had sat across from him at the dinner table just the evening before his eyes would not hold hers for more than a moment. They skirted away almost as if it was a struggle to hold on to her gaze. Though it hurt to admit it, there was no denying the truth that Nicholas was avoiding her. Betsy could feel the leaden weight of it hanging around her shoulders each and every day.

And yet she couldn't blame him. Nothing was going to change over one kiss. What did they really know about each other? And it was all pretend. He hadn't wanted to kiss her. He had only wanted to prove to the Giannopoulos family that he was a reliable and capable man and he had clearly done that. Over the past two weeks the man had not gone more than half an hour without the phone attached to his hand. Business was going well. She had done what he needed her to do. So why did it feel to empty?

"I should be happy," Betsy muttered to herself, pressing her hands against the countertop and bowing her head.

Closing her eyes, she drew in a few steadying breaths. Even though she knew it was for the best it didn't stop the ache left behind by the diminishing hope.

The shuffle of feet against the floor drew her back to the present. The children were never that quiet and Mrs Reed was out shopping which mean that is could only be Nicholas.

Pushing up on to her tiptoes, Betsy reached up above her head for the mugs which had been inconveniently placed on one of the highest shelf. Her fingers scrambled to hook through the handle, her finger brushing against the cool porcelain.

And then there was warmth. A strong hard body brushed against her back as Nick stretched out his hand above her head and easily snagged two mugs off of the shelf. He placed them on them on the countertop before her, his skin brushing against the exposed flesh of her arms as he did so.

Betsy shivered. It was an innocent, casual brush of skin against skin and yet it caused a reaction within her body. She breathed in deep to draw in the seductive scent of his cologne. This was the closest Nicholas had been to her in several weeks. Tensing, Betsy tried not to be affected by him. She tried to close of that part of herself which was attracted to him but there was no denying the zing of electricity as is raced through her veins. It was thrilling.

Still, despite her weakness for anything named Davenport, she schooled her features. When he finally stepped away a few seconds later her face showed no sign of the turmoil within. Her face was the epitome of cool politeness. Her lips pulled up into a small smile and her eyes met his for a second before he looked away.

"Good morning Mr Davenport," she greeted amiably.

She looked everywhere but at his face as she spoke. Betsy could feel his gaze roving over her form which made her remember her attire. A long t-shirt which had belonged to her Ex-Husband dwarfed her bod and a small pair of shorts clung to her curvy behind which left her legs exposed to the examination of his assessing stare. It had been comfortable sleep attire just a few moments before but now it felt inappropriate.

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