The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Groaning low in her throat, Betsy blinked a few times before closing her eyes tightly shut. They felt dry and grainy and her head throbbed rhythmically in her head. The sensation was all too familiar. Too many nights she had cried herself into sleep when the dark days consumed her so wholly that it was the only way for her to cope.

And yet this time was different. There was no crick in the neck from falling asleep on the sofa. Instead she felt warm and safe, wrapped up in a soft duvet while the scent of Mrs Reed's freshly baked cookies wafted through the air.

The last thing she could remember was the cemetery with her sister, Lee and Nick. Betsy squeezed her eyes tightly closed. Oh God, Nick. It took everything in her willpower not to pull the covers over her head in an attempt to hide.

He had seen.

The truth was enough to lift the burden from where it had been sitting on her shoulders before bringing it crashing back down again a moment later. What would he think? She hadn't lied to him. She didn't have any obligation to expose her past to him but then again she had also omitted to tell him the truth when it still affected her so deeply.

Betsy had no recollection of getting home from visiting Peter's grave. She remembered Nick holding her, doing his best to console her in her moment of weakness. And yet she was in her room at the Davenport house with her familiar memory foam mattress at her back. It didn't take a genius to figure out that he had carried her into the house and up to bed.

Wrinkling her nose, Betsy used her hand to push the hair out of her face. Reluctantly she pulled open her eyes and was surprised to see not her own blonde curly locks hanging in front of her face but hair which was straight and auburn coloured. Blowing at the tickly strands, Betsy looked down at Delilah's resting face.

The young girl was huddled into Betsy's side, her mouth open wide as she breathed deeply. With a slight smile, Betsy reached out a hand and brushed a finger over the sleeping girl's brow. Delilah's mouth twisted into a disgruntled pout before she resumed her deep breathing. She looked so peaceful.

Now that her mind was finally emerging from the fog of sleep, the blonde became aware of another presence in the bed. She could feel the body heat of a much larger person pressed against the length of her back. Closing her eyes, she drew in a deep breath. Betsy could smell him. Nicholas had his own unique scent. She had unconsciously been drawing it in every time he got close, savouring the smell which was simply Nicholas.

Sighing, Betsy closed her eyes and snuggled further into the covers.

"Are you awake?" Nick asked. His lips were so close to her ear that Betsy could feel the warmth of his breath against her skin.

Betsy hesitated for a moment. She was tempted to pretend to still be sleeping so that she could enjoy the modicum of peace. But he deserved better than that.

Instead, taking great care not to jostle Delilah too much, Betsy rolled over in underneath the duvet. Despite feeling his breath against her ear, she hadn't truly comprehended how close they were to one another. They were both fully clothed but it was intimate to be so close to a person while lying on a bed.

Not knowing what else to say, Betsy dropped her eyes before muttering, "Hi."

She didn't have to be looking at him to know that the man was smiling. "Hi."

For a moment, no words were spoken between the two of them. Yet, Betsy was puzzled to find that there was no awkwardness between them. There was no need to fill the empty air between them. To her it felt comfortable.

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