The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 25

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"This one looks nice." Betsy commented lamely.

The brick building before them was large and rather unremarkable. With wooden framed windows that hadn't been updated since the building was created and peeling paintwork on the doors, it didn't exude promise. Only the vivid artwork painted onto the concrete outside and the brightly coloured pictures dangling within the windows told of the true purpose of the structure.

Nick turned his head and raised his brows at her. "It's a school, Betsy. I'm not worried about how nice it looks." His gaze swept over the length of the building. "Though this school isn't getting off to a great start."

Betsy nodded her head. Nick's breath caught. Her lip was pulled between her teeth and her blonde curls fell around her face in the most distracting manner. He swallowed loudly and ripped his gaze away.

They had already looked at three other schools. Two private schools and one boarding school had been vetoed unanimously. This, the fourth and final local option, was their last hope.

Nick released a slow breath. He felt simultaneously relieved and disappointed as he looked at the buildings.

"It's okay to want the kids to stay at home, you know. My sister was the same when she first let the girls go to nursery. She had more trouble letting go than the girls did." Betsy soothed, slipping her small cool hand into his and resting her head upon his shoulder. "Just give it a chance. If you don't like it, Delilah can continue with her tutors."

Turning his head, Nick pressed a kiss to her curly hair. "You always know the right thing to say."

Her fingers tightened around his before she peered up at him, a cheeky grin playing across her lips. "Really? I was just making that stuff up."

With a shake of his head, Nick guided her forwards towards the entrance.

Despite the weathered exterior to the building, the interior of the school was well maintained. The floors were clean, the walls freshly painted, and the place exuded a warmth which had been missing elsewhere. A tall slim woman with grey streaked brown hair and a dowdy brown suit stood just inside the door. Her face was open and kind as she turned to greet the pair, wrinkles forming at the corner of her eyes as she smiled.

"You must be Mr Davenport," She stated, smiling as she held out her hand. "I'm Elaine and welcome to Green Acre Primary School."

"Please call me Nick." Nick accepted her palm and gave it a firm shake. "And this is my partner, Elizabeth."

Betsy accepted her hand, her cheeks burning hot under the other woman's scrutiny. "Nice to meet you."

"Well, I think that's enough pleasantries. Barb? Can you hand me those?" Elaine called to the elderly woman perched behind the desk. A second later she had an armful of glossy booklets. "Thanks Barb. Here are some brochures about the school to get you started. Now, I firmly believe the best way for you to decide if this is the best choice for you and your children is to see for yourself."

"Sounds good with me." Nick agreed, nodding his head as he did so.

With a clap of her hands, the woman spun on her sensible heels. "If you'll follow me we can get started."

She set off down the hallway at a steady pace, responding to any greetings with a smile and a soft spoken reply.

Nick glanced at the woman at his side, chuckling at her grin. "I know, I think I like her too."

"Damn, she's fast. We better catch up before we lose her." Betsy muttered, hurrying after the woman at a fast pace that was ridiculous to watch.

Chuckling, Nick followed, his eyes watching the exaggerated wiggle of her hips as she walked as fast as her legs could carry her.

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