The Billionaire's Housekeeper - Chapter 33

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Betsy stood with her hands held out to her sides and drew in deep calming breaths. She could still feel the heat of the spotlights and the dampness which had formed on her palms during the interview. She didn't understand it. How did anyone get used to it? The lights, the attention, and the pressure.

The novelty had quickly worn off as there was one part she really didn't like.

She no longer felt as if she was her own person. It was as if by being a 'celebrity', her body had become the property of everyone around her. She had been poked, prodded, and manhandled by so many different people during her time at the television station, she couldn't help but feel violated. To further iterate her point, rough hands roved under her top, lingering in certain places a bit too long as the technician removed the microphone pack. When he finally detached it, the man stood back and frowned as if disappointed it was over.

Betsy on the other hand couldn't be more relieved.

Stepping away from him, she wrapped her arms protectively over her stomach. She forced herself to look him in the face. To meet the watery blue eyes in a young pointed face. A flush formed on his cheeks and he dropped his gaze first, backing away and grumbling as he went.

"He's a creep, I know. I've already reported him but nothing ever seems to stick." A young woman said solemnly, a clip board held to her chest. "Rumour has it that he related to one of the board members. It makes him untouchable." The woman stepped to the side and gestured to the waiting doorway. "If you'll follow me, I'll show you to the dressing room so you can collect your things and then you can sign out. I'll have security escort you to your car. It appears you've drawn quite the crowd outside."

"A crowd?" Betsy asked, a frown forming on her brows.

The woman's dark eyes twinkled. "Only a small one. About two hundred people."

"Two hundred people is a small crowd?" She sighed and shook her head. "Are you sure they're here for me."

"Yes, they're here for you. I'll get the make-up artist to do a touch up before you leave. Best to be camera ready before you meet your adoring fans."

"I really think there has been some kind of mistake here. Why would anyone want to stand out in the rain for me?"

The taller woman opened the door to the dressing room and smiled kindly. "You're a normal person who is dating the man everyone wants to date. You're the person people women want to be right now. You should probably get used to it."

With wide eyes, Betsy shook her head. "I don't think it's something I will ever get used to."

The corridors passed in a series of neutral coloured walls broken up by the occasional photograph of a celebrity or TV station regulars. Many of them were people Betsy had watched on television over the years and it felt surreal that was walking the very same halls that they did. She received nods in greeting as she passed several of them on her way back to normality.

"That was –."

"I know. It does take some getting used to. But they're normal people – mostly."

Dazed, Betsy just shook her head. It didn't feel real. She barely noticed as more powder was applied to her face, or how she was shuttled down hallway after hallway. She only noticed she had left the building when cool raindrops fell against her skin and she was hit by the barrage of noise from the waiting crowd.

"Elizabeth. Over here!"

"Ms Jones. Is it true Nicholas has proposed?"

"Elizabeth, is there truth behind the rumours? Are you pregnant?"

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