[4.] The Proposal.

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Samantha's P.O.V

After getting myself in tact, I started to walk around the hallway in search for the stairs and after a few minutes I found them. As I walked down the stairs I heard Alex speaking to someone and I assumed he was on the phone because I had no response to what he was saying to the other person. Once I caught a glimpse of him I couldn't help but stare at him.

He had the most sexiest voice I had ever heard. Just listening to him speak, I felt my panties getting wet. I watched as his muscles flexed as he moved his phone from his left ear to his right. His scent filled the whole room and filled my nostrils sending little butterflies in my stomach.

I hadn't noticed that I was peeking at him hiding behind a wall when I heard him clear his throat making me jump losing my balance and falling to the ground.

"I'm guessing you just love having people come to your aid every time you mess up right?"

I heard him say as he took long strides towards me offering me his hand to help me up. Feeling embarrassed I didn't bother taking his hand but I rather got up on my own angry at myself.

"I really didn't need your help. I'm better doing this on my own." I stated as he just shrugged and left walking into the kitchen which was rather the size of Liz and I apartment.

"Oh shit, Liz!" I shrieked as I remembered she must be worried about me. "I can't even call her because I left my phone in the house. Just great, now I have to ask mister nice guy to let me make a phone call."

"You do know that you are thinking out loud right?" he said as he came back carrying a tray with a plate of pancakes, eggs and bacon and some orange juice.

"Uhmm. Can you please borrow me your phone, I need to make an urgent phone call?" I asked politely.

"Well, it seems like the list on things I am doing for you just keeps on adding up. Before I give you the phone let's talk about how you will repay me first huh?"

"You listen here, I am not going to pay you with sex you pervet!" I told him as I took steps towards him. In a simple move, he placed the tray on a table besides us and snaked his arm around my waist pulling me towards him. I hit his hard chest and looked up to him with his face barely inches from mine. My breath hitched as he lowered his head towards mine minimizing the space between us.

"I am not even the least interested in you like that. You are not even close to being my type so get that stupid idea out of your head." he growled at me. I don't know why but I felt a bit of pain that he didn't find me attractive. I know I'm not the type of person to be placed on the cover of Vogue magazine but I was not bad looking at all.

"Then what is it that you want?" I demanded as I tried wiggling out of his grip which was not helping because he held a tight grip.

I felt a slight sting inside as he let me go making me stumble but not fall. He just sat by the dining table and gestured for me to sit by him where he had placed the tray. As I sat there cautious of my actions, he began to speak his voice filling the whole room.

"That was my mom on the phone and she wants me to get married in the next two months."

"Okay, what does that have to do with me?" I asked him as I took a sip from the orange juice. He suddenly grabbed the newspaper showing me the cover page with a picture of me laying in Alex's arms as he walked out of the club we were in last night. I choked at the sight of it then gasped as I read the headline. "Multi-millionaire Alex Waters and his mystery girl"

"Wait a second, you are thee Alex Waters? Owner of the biggest construction company in the city?" I asked him and he just nodded like it was not a big deal.

"So my mom saw the article and assumed you and I are dating. Now I have two options, either I deny being an item with you and get an arranged marriage or continue with the charade and avoid getting married."

"So what you are trying to say is you want me to act like your girlfriend?" Wow! This guy is unbelievable.

"Listen here mister, just because you helped me out does not mean you have to treat me like I'm worthless. I have better things to do than pretend to be some stuck up millionaire's girlfriend okay!" I told him with my voice filled with anger and disgust as I stood up to leave.

"I will pay you $10,000 each week for the next two months."
he said as he stood up turning his face towards mine.

"Who the hell do you think you are huh? Just because you have money you think I will fall at your feet. Well tough luck because I am not doing jack for you." I turned and went up the stairs to his bedroom to get dressed leaving him there in by the dining table.

After dressing up in last nights outfit and putting my heels on I left the room going down the stairs to get the hell out of here. When I reached the living room, I saw him seated by the shirt still shirtless. I mean does this guy even know why t-shirts were created? I didn't bother saying a word to him and neither did he turn around so I just left opening the door and slamming it when I was out.


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Please be darlings and vote, comment and like this book for me please.

I hope you enjoy my book too.


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