[33.] Confrontation

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Alex's P.O.V

Things aren't the way they were before. Samantha has changed and it's very evident. The glow and sparkle she had when she saw me is nonexistent now.

Ghosts haunt me reminding me of what used to be. How do I go back to what was? How do I bring back what we had? What I think we had or maybe I screwed up so much that has become a distant memory that she no longer wants to even remember.

Does she even remember it at all? Oh Sammy.....I let you down so bad. I hurt you and never apologised for it. I didn't even have a reason but I did. I was so stupid and arrogant.

I let you down and I want to fix it. I have to. I need you with me again. For the life of me. For my sanity. For my whole being. I need you back because you were the only person who made me.....feel.

I was stone cold with a heart of ice. You melted it and creeped in and I didn't even know it. I need you back with me because I can't find stability anymore.

"I'm here now Alex. So what do you want?" She doesn't even look a bit interested in this attempt of mine. I guess I missed the time where moments where I could take her to fancy restaurants counted and right now it's pointless.

"Can we at least enjoy this dinner before we go into that?" To tell the truth the food smelled delicious but I couldn't eat. My mind was racing.

"You start talking right now or I leave." I guess it is time.


"Do you remember the last time we were together in my apartment?" She wipes her mouth with a napkin and gently places it on the table as her gaze intensifies.

"Do you mean the time you f*cked me all night as 'punishment' then the next morning acted like no no I'm wrong then you were a complete assh*le where you practically spit in my f*cking face after I gave myself to you.

Then to top it up watch me cry like it was music to your ears and walked right out like I meant nothing. Oh no I don't remember that day."


"Listen Samantha I am truly....."

"Truly what? Sorry? You are going to have to try better than that okay. Let's start at why you were a bigger assh*le than you naturally are." She says as she glares at me.

"Uh I don't know Samantha it just happened so fast and you were overwhelming and I lost it." I can't even start to think where to begin.

"That can't be your reason. It was sex. And I'm sure you have had your share of it so you can't tell me it got overwhelming. Try again."

That's not what I am saying.

"What I mean is it wasn't just sex with you. There was something more to it. Something I had never experienced before so I lost it." 

"So clearly to any sane person that is a sign that you have met someone who makes you feel something. But your reaction was to hurt me, watch me cry and walk out?" Now she is pissed.

"I handled the whole situation wrong okay but I am really sorry about it Sammy. I just want us to go back to how we were then?" It's all I need.

"How we were? You don't get it do you? You hurt me. I cried for weeks hoping you would come back to me but you didn't. You didn't even have the decency to call or text me. Then you find out that someone else is with me and loves me more than you ever could you realise I am what you need
It doesn't work like that."

"Okay maybe the setting wasn't right but I realised it. I did. That must count for something right?" I reached out to touch her hand but she pulled away from me like my touch burned her.

"How many women have you slept with after me?"


"I don't see where this is relevant."

"How many?" Samantha yells drawing people's attention.

"Twelve. I think." She takes a sip of her wine and calmly looks into my eyes.

"That morning I left. You slept with another women the very same day didn't you?" She asks or rather says as she lowers her glass towards the table.


"Answer me!" Cutlery rattles echoing through the whole restaurant as Samantha slams her hand on the table.

"Samantha please. You are making people stare." I whisper.

"I don't care now answer me."

"Okay yes I did." I finally said.

"In the same bed I had just been in! The same fucking bed you held me close! Is that right?"

I fell silent. Guilt written all over me. I couldn't lie because she already knew it. She knew it was true.

"That's all I wanted to know."



I have readers who are on team Alex and readers who are on team Liam. So let's be honest right now.

If this happened to you like what happened with Alex and Samantha would you forgive him after what he did?

I am expecting comments about this because we have to picture this as a real life situation guys.

Anyway......here is another chapter. I hope you enjoy it guys.

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♡♡ Lulu...♡♡

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