[25.] Noticing You

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Samantha's P.O.V

I chewed on my licorice as I stared out the window as we drove out of the city. The buildings didn't stop amazing me. I thought about my dream about the city as we passed apartments and saw a girl carrying moving boxes into an apartment.

That dream is gone.

I felt someone gently wipe a tear that fell on my cheek.

"Sam... Please."

"Uh it's it's nothing Liam. Uhm I'm okay." I said as I sat up and faked a smile. I could tell he didn't believe me one bit. And yet he nodded his head and started searching for something in his bag.

A camera?

"What's that for?"

"So... You and I have a project for this whole week okay. I call it.... Uh I still haven't found a good name for it but work with me." He rubs the back of his neck.

He just blushed? Awww...

"Okay. We will take pictures each day and see if there is any progress by the end of the week." He said as he was trying to turn the camera on.

"I'm not following." What the hell is he talking about?

"Sam I want you again. The you that was there before that ass hurt you. And I promised myself I would try by all means this week to try bring you back." He looked at me and I could see the sincerity in his eyes.

Something Alex lacked.

"You won't stop pestering me if I don't agree will you?"

"You betcha!" He said with a wicked grin.

"What the hell! Okay then." I can't believe I'm doing this.

"Oh and get ready Sam..." He says as he draws closer to me.

Wow. Maybe I was so stuck on Alex that I failed to realize how sexy Liam is.

His long dark lashes just made a simple action like blinking make my heart flutter. Oh God! His sage eyes are so....

Wait what! I'm checking Liam out!

"Uh sorry what did you say again?" I lost my attention when I saw you. Like really saw you.

"Too late!" Liam said as he smiled and my word I lost it. His smile had me staring at his lips.

"Hahaha Liam please stop... Haha I'm going to pee hahaha...." Liam won't stop tickling me. And I am not going to lie. It feels good to laugh again. Even though it may be forced. I like it.

"Yes!!! Go Liam! Tickle the life out of her" Liz says as she and Dylan laugh at me from the front.


"There we go." He pulled a photo out of the camera and handed it to me.

Oh my God.

I looked at the picture and looked at Liam. No one has ever done something so sweet for me. Ever.

I quickly hugged Liam and thanked him.

"Whoa whoa... What's going on back there?" Dylan said as he looked at us using the review mirror.

"None of your business Dylan. Leave them alone." Liz said as she smiled at me.

We sat like that the whole duration of the trip. With me laying my head on Liam's lap as we talked until we both fell asleep.

I fell asleep with one thought in mind as I watched a drowsy Liam lazily smile at me. Which was sexy as f*ck!

I was so ignorant Liam. You were right there. Right in front of me.


So guys.....

Feel free to yell at me for taking my time with the updates.... I'm so so sorry. My life has been stressful. I was writing tests and had assignments. But I'm back now☺☺☺....

Now back to Samantha and Alex... What do you think? How is the book coming along?

Oh my God!!!!! Liam!!!!! Is Alex being left behind and forgotten?

Tell me what you think will happen and maybe, just maybe. I will write about your suggestions❤❤❤

Oh and thank you guys for continuing to read even though I was absent for some time now. Thank you for the votes and comments. I really truly appreciate it.

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