[14.] Surprises

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"But that's the problem Samantha, I don't want just any girl. I want you. The other girls are nothing compared to you. They are just bags of silicon and piles of make up. You are exactly what defines beauty.

You are different from all the girls Samantha. Your charisma and more proves it. You are not driven by what you can get for free from anyone but would rather work for everything you get.

You make me feel things I have never felt before. You make me want to stop being the jerk that I am. For the past two weeks since I last saw you was frustrating.

I had to fight it but I have accepted it now. I want you and only you. But you know what sucks?" He asks.

"What sucks?" I ask as I put my hand on my waist and raise my head to make eye contact with him.

"What sucks is that the girl that I so desperately want, doesn't want me back."

Samantha's P.O.V

I don't get it. Why would Alex be well out of his way to try and convince me about something that we both know is not true.

I mean he already has gotten what he wanted right? He has forced to act like his girlfriend but I don't get what the fuss is about with trying to make me believe that he likes me. Not even a parallel universe would Alex and I even work out. 

But the shocking part is that when he says it, a part of me actually believes he just might be sincere. Then logic and knowing the real Alex adds up and I know he is not capable of sincerity. Is it bad though that I actually wish it was true?

How I wish I could believe you Alex?

"You know that what you are saying is just a bag of crap. You are just lying to my face and I want you to stop it right now."

"Look at me Sammy, do I look like I am lying to you?" He says as he looks straight into my eyes as if trying to prove his sincerity.

"So if I am getting this right Alex, I am supposed to believe that you have had some sort of revelation when just yesterday you ruined the little that I had. And I know for a fact you aren't going to let me go here so just let it go Alex."

"I am going to prove to you that everything I am telling you is true Sammy."

Why does a part of me actually feel like he is being honest?

"Alex don't say that when you know you don't mean any of...." Just as I was about to finish my sentence, a tall beautiful red head walked in. The next thing I know is the girl is kissing Alex and he is not doing anything to stop it.

This son of a b*tch!


Alex's P.O.V


What the hell is she doing here?

"Hey baby, you have no idea how much I missed you." Cindy says as she finally pulls away from me.

In that exact moment, that was when the shock subsided and I knew exactly what was going on. I turned around to where Samantha stood just a few seconds ago and all I saw was an empty spot.

Dammit! I f*cked up big time.

"What the hell are doing here?" I'm too upset to be dealing with her shit right now.

"Whoa! So much hostility." She says to me and I just stare at her blankly.

"Anyway, I actually went to your office to surprise you but then your personal assistant told me you took the day off. Sooo... I thought why not make our Thursday night hot sessions start a little early." She says as she trails her finger down my chest.

If this would have happened about three weeks ago, I would have gladly jumped for the offer. Yet right at this moment, seeing her move her finger where I had Samantha's pretty head laying on just made me feel one precise feeling.

I am disgusted by this.

"Listen here Cindy, what ever it is you thought was going on between us. It is over you hear me." I just don't want to see her face. She is the reason why my Sammy must be mad at me right now.

"W-what?! No! Is it because of that tramp you had here a second ago?"

"You watch your mouth Cindy. If you so as much try to insult my girlfriend ever again I will make it a point that not even a single modelling agency hires you." This is getting irritating.

"Gir-girlfriend?" She whispers.

I don't have time for this.

"Cindy I don't want you to ever set foot in this building or my company. If you do I will ruin you so fast you won't even know what hit you." I dragged her towards the door because she was being stubborn and didn't want to leave on her own. I let her out of my apartment and closed the door.

Now thanks to Cindy, all that I had tried to accomplish with Samantha has gone down the drain. Samantha will never believe any word I say now.

As I walk towards the bottom of the staircase, I looked up at the second floor. There in my bedroom would be a mad Samantha who would want nothing to do with me. But still I will make you understand the whole situation.

I will make you see that what I feel for you is genuine.


Samantha's P.O.V

"Close the front door! He actually did that after he confessed so much? I am going to shave his head and use his hair to make a rope I can hang his sorry ass with." Liz reacts after I had told her the whole story from when we left the coffee shop to when I left him with that red head.

"Forget about it Liz, it's pointless. I knew that a man like him is incapable of changing. So don't you worry about it. He is out of my life for good." I told Liz who just simply nodded.

"In any case, I am here okay. Now let me go get ready okay." She stood up to leave and went to her bedroom.

I was just stepping out the shower when I heard a knock on the door.

That must be Dylan.

Knowing Liz, I knew she would want to make a grand entrance so I would have to be the one to open the door.

I yelled an 'I'm coming' as I raced out of the bathroom and got dressed in my underwear, sweat pants, bra and a tank top. I had no time to dry my hair so I rushed to the door with dripping wet hair.

"I'm so sorry Dylan I was taking a shower. Liz will be right out in a minut..." Wait that's not Dylan.

"Alex?" I whispered.



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His Perfect Addiction.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora