[35.] Reminiscing

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Samantha's P.O.V


"Hey princess." He says as he is bended over leaning against the car.

There is no way he is here.

"Liam? You're here?" I questioned him as I got out of the car and into the pouring rain.

"Yes Samantha. I have been waiting out here for you for about three hours. I am so glad to see...."

This son of a b*tch!

I slapped him.

"Okay...I deserved that princess but hear me out. I really...."

I slapped him again.

"You don't get to leave me hurt and then come back and expect me to be happy that you are back! Do you know how long I cried for you? Do you?

Do you know how many times I begged Liz to get me discharged so I could see you? Then I find out you moved! Didn't I mean anything to you? Did I Liam?"

I kept beating his chest pleading with him.

"I need answers you assh*le!"

"I'm sorry Samantha. I am so so sorry." Liam cooed as he held me close.

I gave out into his embrace and everything stopped. Time stopped. I was back in the arms of the one person who loved me and I him. His scent intoxicated me and it was like nothing ever changed.

Like he never left and we were back together like we were that morning before everything fell apart.

"Why did you leave me?" I looked up to him and spoke in between sniffles.

"I was in turmoil princess. I couldn't bare the fact that I hurt you and the only thing I thought was right was if I left." He explained.

"Didn't you think of asking me? I had the right to make that choice. I didn't need you to make it for me." Why didn't he just ask me. We wouldn't have been apart if it wasn't for his foolish assumption.

"I guess I was scared you felt the same way so I thought it would be better if I said it myself rather than hear it from you. God knows it would have killed me if you said you never wanted to see me again. I wouldn't be able to bear it. So I made the decision not knowing that wasn't the case."

"I wanted you to stay. I want you with me. I still do but I don't know if I can take anymore hurt. My heart has been through too much of it I'm scared if I got hurt again my heart wouldn't be able to take it."

"I have never ever planned to hurt you and if you still trust me I know you are aware that I wouldn't hurt you." He says as he cups my cheek as he rubs his thumb on my lower lip.

"Oh how I have missed you princess...your face haunted me and it was all I could see in my dreams. Your soft lips. I craved them every second of the day and I am fighting the urge I have right now. I really really want to kiss you so bad." He says as he slowly tucks wet strands of my hair behind my ear.

"What are you waiting for?"

I missed the butterflies I felt when you held me like this.

Just an inch was left and I would have Liam's lips on mine. Just that small distance had every inch of my skin covered with goosebumps. The hair at the back of my neck stood and my heartbeat peaked. My throat ran dry and I couldn't stop staring at the one man that my heart longed for.


"Urgh! Not again!" Why is this happening to me? I am drenched enough!

"Hahaha.....you are so beautiful." There it is. His laughter that always made my heart stop beating.

"Let's go in. I don't want to catch a cold." I said as I walked towards the entrance.

"Uh Samantha?" Liam grabs my hand and looks at me and he looks nervous.

"What?" Why has he paled?

"Liz." He says.


I couldn't help it. I burst in a fit of laughter.

"Oh you are dead! I can't help you there."

"Thanks Davis. Very encouraging!""


Two updates!!!!!!

Do you forgive me now for my late updates??♡♡♡♡

Guess who is back?!!!!

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♥♥ Lulu ♥♥

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