[24.] Forgetting You

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Samantha's P.O.V

" You need to forget about what happened with that idiot Sam. He doesn't deserve your tears. Not a single drop. So... I was thinking maybe we should go for a road trip. Unwind and try to relax. Just you, Dylan, Liam and me. What do say?"

"I really don't want to Liz. I don't think I will ever be able to feel again. I know this whole trip is to try make me forget and become me again. But that me is gone.

He took everything. He took my whole being and I watched him do it Liz. I didn't even realise that while I was trying to push myself away from him I was actually drawing closer than ever.

Now look at me. I'm a mess and broken into pieces. He doesn't even care. It's been two weeks Liz and nothing. No call or text. Nothing." I pulled the covers and covered my face as I cried my heart out.

My heart constricted and I couldn't breathe. I tried to scream so the pain he caused would dissipate buy nothing happened. Not a single sound escaped my lips.

"Please Liz. Make it stop. I can't take it. My heart can't take it anymore. Please. Please make it s-stop.... I can't do this anymore..." Liz wrapped her arms around me and whispered comforting words to me as she rubbed my back.

"It's going to be okay.... I promise you. It will pass." Liz cooed


*one week later*

"Liam would you please go grab Sam's bags in her room and come down with her for me." Liz said as she helped Dylan put their bags in the boot.

"Sam! Sam! Where are you?"

"In here Liam." Liam walks in and kneels next to me.

"Are you done with that?" He pointed at the bag I was packing on the floor.

"Just a second...." I zipped it up and handed it to him.

"Uh Sam. I just wanted you to know that he didn't deserve to have you at all if he treated you like that. I know it's not my place to say it but just know that I would never hurt you in anyway." Liam kissed my forehead and walked out of the bedroom.

I really wish he was the one to say that.

"Here we go guys!" Dylan says as he starts the car and we leave for the weekend.


Alex's P.O.V

"Dave you are going to have to step on it or I swear to God I will nail your foot on the gas pedal!" This is taking too much time. If I get late for this meeting I will lose the contract.

"I am doing the best I can sir. But as you can see there is too much traffic." Dave says as he tries to find a way he can manoeuvre around the traffic.

"Forget it! I'll just walk from here." I got out the car and started walking fast towards my building.

I can't believe this. I looked at my wrist watch and it was 09:56am. The meeting starts at 10:00am and I had four minutes to make it.


"Liam... No! Bring my licorice back or I will kill you!"


"Oh I would love to see you try honey." I heard him say as Samantha lunged at him and hopped on his back trying to grab the licorice.

He finally gave it back to her and he kissed her forehead as they got into a car and left.

I just stood the enraged and my hands fisted.

How dare she?!!!


Oh my gosh guys☺☺☺

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