[7.] The Beginning.

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Alex's P.O.V.

My day went by so slow and rather angering just because of one simple failed encounter. I tried concerntrating on my work but it was off no use because she was glued in my head. He perfect pale skin and those tiny freckles scattered on her rosy cheeks. The way her black hair fell on her shoulders in wavy curls. The way her plump lips were shaped. They were so red it was unnatural.

With a huff I threw everything from my desk on the flew due to frustration. Tired of this I stood up and dug my phone from my suit's pockets and called Dave to meet me up front.

"Cancel all my meetings for they day and reschedule them for tomorrow." I said as I walked passed my assistant who stared at me and before even being able to answer I was already in the elevator and doors closed.


Samantha's P.O.V.

As I worked threw my shift I finally got my break and decided to go out back and try take a breather. I needed it to think. If I actually do get this job I had an interview for it would mean I would be working for him.

I mean the job would be paying rather well. Well, enough for me to actually get myself my own apartment. I would finally be living the life I envisioned for myself while I lived in that hell hole of a foster home. I would finally prove that I was not the world biggest mistake and I was going to make something of myself.


Why does something always disturb my dream world huh?


"I see you still haven't accepted my offer Sammy." No, it can't be. I must be imagining this.


"You do know it's rude to leave a person waiting outside right?"

Waiting? What did he mean by that? I mean I hadn't called him or anything. Come to think of it I haven't spoken to him since Sunday. How the hell did he get my number anyway?

"Samantha, are you still there?"

"Where did you get my number from?" I had no idea and I was freaking out but I tiny part of me was giddy about him calling. Before he could answer I heard my boss call me from behind me and I quickly hung up and followed him to his office.

"Take a seat Samantha, I have something important to discuss with you." I could feel myself getting nervous because whenevet this would happen, it would only bring bad news. I have been fed bad news every day of my life but that didn't make me accustomed to it though.

"Listen, I have been seeing how dedicated and hardworking you are and that is very admirable. So I will just get straight to the point and ask if you would be interested in being the manager of this.." Before he could finish his sentence which would mean I was getting promoted, the door flew open revealing a furious Alex.

Furious? What happened to him?

Before I could even muster a word I was being dragged out of my boss's office and the only thing I heard was my boss saying Alex's name with shock written all over his face.

"What the hell? Let me go!" I tried to wiggle my wrist from his strong grip as he dragged me out the coffee shop clearly not bothered by the stares people were giving us.

Once we were outside he pulled me into his car with him and turned to look at me intensely and I was squirming in my seat.

"You don't ever hang up on me Samantha Davis. Are we clear?" His voice was low and dangerous that I felt nervous right there.

Nervous? Wait, he doesn't get to tell me what to do.

"Listen hear Mister, you don't tell me what to do okay. You are nothing to me so what makes you think you have the right?" I shot back as I poked him with my finger on his hard sexy chest.

Sexy chest? Stay on track Samantha!

He turned around while running his hand through his hair and told the driver to lock the car as he got out and walked back into the coffee shop.

I tried to open the door but it was of no use. My attempts to ask the driver to open the door were hopeless because he simply sat there and shrugged. There was nothing I could do. The partition was not helping either. So I sat there furious as I waited for Alex to come back and I would give him a piece of my mind.

About five minutes later Alex walked out withy stuff in his hand. What? Why is he caring my stuff?

"Dave drive us home." He simply said and he sat there with my bag on his lap. Really! He was just going to sit there and say nothing.

"What the hell! Why are my things with you? What did you do?" He didn't see bothered by tone of voice he just faced me and leaned so close that his lips were inches from mine. I gasped and I couldn't move.

"I don't like having anyone talk to me in that tone, but with you I think I can make an exception. Oh, and you don't work at the coffee shop anymore. I can't let my girlfriend work at a place like that now can I?"

Girlfriend? What does he mean by that?


Hi guys,

It's been a long time since I have updated but I have now.

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❤❤❤❤❤ Lulu

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