31. Free Market Economics

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"Up here on the right," said Deacon as he watched things from over Sarah's shoulder. "Just bring us to a stop outside that gate." Clementine watched as Sarah moved the Brave towards the shoulder, stopping near a black iron gate nestled in-between thick bushes and overgrown grass. Trying to peer past the gate, Clem only saw tall grass obscuring her view of a two-story home.

"They went out yesterday, so they're probably in today," said Deacon as Sarah parked the Brave.

"Who?" asked Sarah.

"A couple of scavengers," said Deacon. "They're usually good on food but I heard one of them complaining about not finding any bullets in a long time."

"And you think they'll give us some food for these bullets?" asked Clem as she eyed the ammunition sitting on the kitchen counter.

"Maybe, I know they keep a lot of different guns around because they're always running out of ammo, so it's a good bet."

Clem grabbed her backpack and starting loading the seven boxes of bullets into it. She packed three boxes before stopping, then emptied her bag of all but a single box.

"Shouldn't you take them all?" asked Sarah. "Wouldn't we get more if you did?"

"Let's see how much one box will get us first, then I'll think about trading the others," said Clem as she slung her backpack over her shoulder and moved towards the door. "These people aren't going to hurt us or anything, are they?" Clem asked Deacon.

"I can't imagine why," shrugged Deacon. "And anything I see I tell to Tanner, so it'd be stupid if they tried anything."

Clem looked at Sarah. "Just keep the door locked."

"I will," assured Sarah.

"I'll be right back, hopefully with food." Clem unlocked the door and stepped outside. Deacon walked ahead of Clem, moving towards the gate. Seeing it up close, Clem noticed that each bar of the gate had been wrapped in barbed wire. "Are you sure it's okay for us to be here?" she asked.

"They haven't had to use this thing in ages." Deacon very carefully grabbed a small section of the gate not covered in barbed wire and pulled it open. Moving inside, Clem could see a bundle of chains and locks piled up on the lawn next to the gate. Seeing the grass growing through the links in the chains made it clear they've been undisturbed for a long time.

"Come on." Moving with Deacon, Clem walked along a worn driveway up towards a spacious two-story house with boarded up windows that were surrounded by bullet holes. Tall grass surrounded the path and a few bold weeds had even sprouted from the cracks in the asphalt. The air was also muggy and contained a hint of salt that irritated Clem's nostrils.

"It's really hot today," said Clem as she felt the afternoon sun bearing down on her.

"Is it?" asked Deacon. "I thought it was a little cool today actually."

"The last few days were cool."

"No, they were freezing. That was a really freaky cold snap we had." Deacon walked up to the front door, which had deep cracks running all the way down it. "Rhonda? Howard? You guys in there?" Deacon knocked and Clem listened closely for an answer, but she didn't hear one.

"They might be around back." Deacon motioned to Clem and they started moving alongside the house. Looking to her right, Clem spotted palm trees on the lawn. She also noticed a row of stumps that suggested there used to be many more trees here. Arriving behind the building, Clem found a half-full in-ground swimming pool. Looking around, the girl also spotted half a dozen metal kegs all suspended directly over improv fire pits that were set up next to the pool.

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