43. An Ounce of Loyalty

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Clementine opened her eyes. She could see the morning sun beaming in through the window and tried to sit up, only to find a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. Carefully rolling over in place, Clem found herself face to face with a still sleeping Sarah. The older girl was snoring softly as Clem carefully brushed her hair aside. Seeing her face clearly, Clem smiled to herself before moving her hand to Sarah's cheek, which seemed to stir the older girl from her slumber.

"Hi," said Clem as Sarah opened her eyes.

"Clem?" mumbled Sarah. "Why are you touching my cheek?"

"Because you're holding me." Sarah suddenly realized where her arms were.

"Sorry..." spoke an embarrassed Sarah as she pulled her arms back.

"Don't be," said Clem with a smile. "I like it when you hold me."

"I don't know why I do that sometimes when I'm sleeping," said Sarah.

"You don't?" asked a surprised Clem. "I figured you do it because you like me."

"I think I'm just used to sleeping with an extra pillow," reasoned Sarah. "I usually held onto one anytime I slept on my side."

"Why?" asked Clem.

"It just helped me sleep, having something to hold onto."

"It's okay if you want to hold onto me," offered Clem.

"Um... okay. Well, the sun is out, we should—"

A mechanical sputtering from outside cut Sarah short. Clem saw a sudden swell of anxiety force Sarah's eyes wide open as the girls felt their sense of safety evaporate. They both shot out of bed; Sarah hurrying to get dressed while Clem stood up on the bed to peer out the back window.

"Do you see anything?" asked a nervous Sarah as she quickly slipped her shirt on.

"Nothing," said Clem as she scanned the empty road and its surroundings.

"I don't see anything from this side either," said Sarah as she pulled the blinds back just enough to peer out one of the side windows as another mechanical sputtering sounded.

"I think it's coming from this side." Clem hopped off the bed and rushed to the other window. Pulling the blinds back, she could see Patty leaned over her motorcycle. The woman was fiddling with one of the handle bars as the sputtering grew into a dull roar. "It's just Patty's bike."

"Oh that's good," spoke a relieved Sarah as she flopped back onto the bed. "I was really worried for a second."

Turning back to the window, Clem saw Patty switch her motorcycle off, then approach the covered trailer hitched to the back of it. Clem watched with great curiosity as the woman threw open the trailer's top.

"Clem, aren't you going to get dressed?" asked Sarah.

"In a minute," said Clem as she watched Patty pack tools into her trailer. "I just want to see..."

"See what?" Clem looked over her shoulder to see Sarah standing right behind her, looking slightly annoyed.

"I just want to see... if her bike's okay."

This answer did not seem to satisfy Sarah. "Clem, don't spy on Patty."

"I'm not spying," insisted Clem as Sarah went to check on Omid, who was nestled in his crib in the corner. "I'm just..."

"You wouldn't like it if she was looking in our window at us, so don't do that to her," said Sarah as she knelt down to collect a sleeping Omid.

"I just want to know what she keeps in there," said Clem as she stepped away from the window.

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