65. Status Quo

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Clementine groaned as she rose from her slumber. She found herself reaching out in hopes of finding Sarah in her grasp, but only pulled back the covers. Opening her eyes and letting things come into focus, Clem found herself unsettled by her surroundings. She was just in a bedroom, but every little difference was an instant reminder that this wasn't her home. The color of the sheets, the shape of the window, the look of the dresser; it all felt alien to her.

"Sarah?" Looking around, Clementine saw no sign of her friend. "Patty? OJ?" As her eyes adjusted to the low light beaming in through the curtains, Clem realized she was alone. Searching the room for any signs of them, Clem spotted something on the dresser. Moving over to it, she realized it was one of her shirts and a pair of pants, but not the one she was wearing yesterday. After happily changing into something that actually fit her, Clem slowly stepped outside.


"OJ!" Clementine knelt down as Omid hurried across the carpet and into the girl's arms. "How are you? Do you feel okay?"

"Kem-men," repeated the child as he flashed Clem a grin, which just made Clem want to smile herself. She ran her fingers through the boy's thick dark locks, looking carefully at his forehead. The bruise had faded, but it still disturbed Clem how big it was.

"You're finally up." Clem looked past Omid to see Jet staring at her, concern brimming in his eyes. "Are you okay? Do you feel all right? Sarah was worried you might be sick, so she let you sleep in."

"My head feels a little heavy, but I'm okay," assured Clem.

"Here, we saved this for when you woke up." Jet offered Clem an already open can with a spoon sticking out of it. Looking inside, she was pleasantly surprised to see it half full of peaches.

"You're sure about this?" asked Clem. "Giving me fruit?"

"Yeah, we've got extras," assured Jet. "Me and Granddad will have plenty left without that one."

Clem didn't argue with Jet any further and immediately popped a spoon full of peaches into her mouth, savoring that sweet stickiness for as long as possible before swallowing. As she ate, it did occur to her that with only two people, Jet and Sin's cans of fruit probably lasted longer than Clem's, which was shared with Sarah, Patty, and Omid.


"You want some too?" asked Clem in a sweet voice.

"He already had something for lunch," informed Jet.

"Yeah, but he's a growing boy and he's still hungry." Clem fed Omid a small piece of peach, much to his enjoyment, then ate some herself, much to her own enjoyment. "Is OJ okay?" asked Clem between bites. "Did Sarah notice anything wrong with him?"

"He's been kind of quiet this morning, but he's fine... I think," shrugged Jet. "I don't know much about babies."

"El-muh," babbled the toddler as he stumbled over to the couch. Clem smiled as she watched Omid pick up his stuffed elephant and carry it over to her. "Tah-bah el-muh."

"I see her," said Clem with a smile as she took the toy.

"I think he missed you," said Jet with a smirk. "He hasn't done anything like that as long as I've been watching him."

"Where is everyone?" asked Clem as she ate another bite of peaches.

"I think they're all still working on your RV."

"Our RV?" asked Clem through her peaches. "It's okay?"

"I think that's what they're working on."

Three Orphan Pilgrimage (The Alternative to TWDG's Final Season) [Walking Dead]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें