45. Buyer's Market

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"We shouldn't be much longer," said Clementine into her radio.

"Really? It's not even noon yet," spoke Sarah's voice. "I guess you two didn't find much then."

"Actually, we've filled about four laundry baskets so far," said Clem.

"And more's coming." Clem turned her head to see Patty stuffing her backpack with cans she was pilfering from an open pantry.

"Wow, I can't believe you found that much before lunch," said Sarah. "But it might take a while for me to get there in the Brave. There are so many trees and telephone poles on the roads around here."

"No kidding," grumbled Patty as she started searching the cupboards above the counter. "This whole area clearly got bowled over by a big storm at some point."

"Just take your time," Clem told Sarah. "It'll be a little while before we get back to where we left the rest of the food."

"Stay safe," said Sarah.

"You too." Clem clipped her radio back to her belt.

"Holy shit!"

Clem hopped off the counter and ran towards Patty. "What is it?"

"Check this out?" Patty yanked a small brown package out of the cupboard and held it out.

"Don Pablo," Clem read off the packing. "Colombian super...mo whole bean?"

"It's coffee," announced Patty. "Wait, did you just say whole bean?" Patty flipped the package around. "Dammit, I'll need a grinder." Patty set the coffee down and started digging through cupboards.

"Why do you want coffee so bad?" asked Clem.

"You remember what I said about things that take the edge off?" asked Patty as she yanked a pair of mugs out of the cupboard. "These are nice." Patty stuffed the mugs in her bag and reached for two more.

"So... is coffee a drug?"

"No, but caffeine is and I'd kill for some again... well not literally, but it would be great to have some damn coffee again."

Clem looked at the coffee package again, noting the words 'rich' and 'smooth' printed near the top. "Can I try the coffee?"

"Sure, if I could just find a..." Patty pulled a tall chrome cylinder with a long handle out of the cupboard.

"Is that what you were looking for?"

Patty grabbed the handle attached at the top. It swung around in a full circle, making a grinding noise as she churned it. "No electricity required; perfect." Patty threw the grinder in her bag along with the coffee. "So, you think we've tossed this place enough?"

Clem looked out at the mess of boxes, empty containers and overturned drawers they had strewn across the kitchen floor. "Yeah, that's probably enough," said Clem as she put her backpack on. "I saw a wheelbarrow when I checked the garage earlier. We can use that to carry everything back."

"Sounds good." Clem headed out of the kitchen, navigating through the dusty and forgotten halls of this abandoned house with Patty following close behind her. Pushing past a half-open door, the pair entered a mostly empty garage filled with shelves stacked with old paint cans and scattered tools. There was no car, but leaned against the wall near the door was a simple rusted wheelbarrow.

"Here it is," said Clem as she took off her backpack. "Patty, do you think you can open the garage door?" Clem carefully pulled the wheelbarrow away from the wall and set it upright. "Patty?" Clem turned around to see Patty was standing in front of a wooden workbench in the opposite corner. "Patty, what are you doing?"

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