64. Unforeseen Circumstances

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Clementine sighed as she listened to the sound of rain canvassing the top of the Brave. It was the second day in the row it had rained, and she still hadn't gotten used to the constant noise. It wouldn't bother her so much if she weren't trapped inside a cramped RV for the duration. Looking out the window, she couldn't see the sun but she knew it was setting now by how dark it was getting.

"Ah-sah." Clem turned her head to discover Omid was no longer seated beside her.

"OJ?" Clem stood up and found the boy standing on the bottom step and pushing against the door in vain.

"Come on OJ, you can't go outside," said Clem as she grabbed him.

"Ah-sah!" protested Omid as he was forcibly returned to the dining table.

"Come on, you're supposed to be eating dinner." Clementine scooped out a small bit of canned spinach, trying her best not to wince as she moved the spoon closer to the boy. "Just take—"

"Nuh-buh! Nuh-huh!" mumbled Omid as he turned away.

"Just eat a little," encouraged Clementine as she angled the spoon closer to the boy's mouth. "Just a tiny bit and—"

"Nuh!" Omid swatted the spoon out of Clem's hand, spilling the spinach onto the floor.

"OJ, no!" Clem grabbed a paper towel and groaned as she reached down to clean up the mess. "You've gotta eat something OJ, and..." Clem turned around to find she was talking to an empty seat. "Now where—"

"Ah-bree." Clem found Omid desperately trying to pry open the closet with his chubby fingers.

"No, you need to eat your vegetables first." Clementine picked up Omid, which caused the toddler to squeal in protest.

"What's wrong?" Clem looked over her shoulder to see Sarah standing at the door, garbed in a wet raincoat and holding something in each hand.

"He won't eat the spinach," said Clem as she placed the unhappy toddler back in his seat.

"Hang on, I'll be right there." Clem watched as Sarah set down a book and a flashlight before undoing her raincoat.

"Is everything okay with the funnel and the water tank?" asked Clem.

"Huh? Yeah, I wasn't even checking on that," said Sarah as she placed her raincoat over the sink. "I was grabbing an encyclopedia from storage."

"Another one?" asked Clem.

"Not like there's much else to do but read today." Sarah sat down while Clem set a squirming Omid in her lap.

"All right Omid, here comes the airplane." Sarah playfully danced the spoon in front of the toddler's face while making swishing noises, but Omid refused to open his mouth.

"I tried that, a lot," informed Clem.

Sarah leaned over to one side and snapped her fingers. Omid turned his head after the noise and Sarah tried to slip him a spoonful of spinach in the confusion, but the boy was too quick. He turned back in time to see the spoon and kept his mouth shut, making angry muttering noises.

"Tried that too."

"Come on Omid, just a little bite." Sarah leaned forward and tickled Omid under his chin, causing the boy to laugh. Clem held him still as Sarah slipped the spoon into the boy's mouth. Omid scrunched up his face and then spit the green goop onto the carpet.

"Omid, no!"

"Nuh-ha-ahh!" Omid started crying loudly. Clem tried bouncing the boy on her knee to cheer him up, but it didn't seem to help.

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