Chapter 20- Disaster in the making

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Raven opened the front door and motioned for me to come in I let my eyes roam over his big house "Cool house" I said

He played with his car keys "Yeah my folks did a good job huh?" He asked setting my box and duffle bag on the floor "Where are they?Your parents?" I asked

He shrugged "Around europe with xavier's folks" he said and I looked up at him curiously he smirked "Believe it or not my folks and his are friends...we've been hanging out ever since kindergarten me..xave and..jenna" he explained

I opened my mouth and closed it again he continued walking he grabbed my things and started to lead me up the stairs my sneakers making embarassing squeking sounds as they hit the mahogony floor

"This will be your room" he said opening a door it was big and looked a lot like my used-to-be-room back at Alpha Xavier's house

He dropped my stuff at the desk facing the window and clasped his hands "Well I'll let you get settled, my room's right besides yours and if you ever need anything" he winked and left the room shutting the door behind him

I sat at the floor my back against the door and I cried-I've been crying a lot lately I noticed- and this time I let hot tears flow from my eyes to my cheeks I hugged my knees and wished that I have my mom here...

I can't believe that he actually sent me off to live with a stranger just because his inlove with another girl

I felt my chest tighten pain gripping my heart so hard that it's almost hard to breathe I never thought that my heart could handle so much heartache and I was right...I can't handle this much heartache because it's too much the heartache is too much that it feels like my heart was litteraly being ripped into two

I balled my hands so tight that shallow creasent wounds started to bleed into my palms I hurt so much that I just felt raw inside I cried until I couldn't anymore because they are no more tears left to shed

"Good morning" a voice said shaking me awake I opened one of my eyes and saw an unfamilliar face smilling down on me I yelped and rolled until I fall off the other side of the bed

The fall took me out of my just-woken-up-daze and I felt blood rushing to my face "Raven...sorry,you scared me" I said as I stand up and I brushed myself off

"Well...I suggest you hurry scaredy pup we're late for school" he said I looked at him

He shrugged "I may have trasferred to moon falls high so that I could keep an eye on Jenna" he said in a mocking guilty tone

"Yeah?and when did you do that?" I asked he tilted his head "Yesterday" he answered "being an alpha do have its perks" he added

"Being able to transfer schools in a snap of a finger is one of them huh?!" I said sarcastically he gave me a knowing smile "Exactly so get dressed" he said before leaving the room

I got dressed and got out of my room and went down the stairs Raven sat at the dinner table muching on some bacon and eggs "Eat" he said his mouth full

I sat accross from him and dug into my plate after we were done eating we went inside the car and started to go to school

"Your territory's beautiful.." I said as we whisked pass endless of trees "Thanks" he said

"So...scaredy pup tell me, do xavier pick Jenna up everyday for school?" He asked and I continued to look at the window too disheartened by his question to even complain about what he called me "I think so.." I whispered

"So how's their...relationship?" He asked I closed my eyes "It's their anniversary yesterday" I answered trying to keep my voice light I saw his grip on the wheel tighten

"What else?" He asked his voices strained "He loves her" I said in a hushed tone as if saying it out loud will make me hurt more "I know" he whispered in the same tone

He stopped asking me questions after that so I stopped having to answer them and the car stopped and we got out of it

We are 23 minutes 54 second late for school so the halls were empty "What's your first class?" I asked him "Well...I requested my schedule to be exactly like Jenna's all except one because the other class is I've got English with Mrs. Kings" he said

"That's my first too" I told him and we walked to Englis Mrs. Kings was already infront discussing its something boring i presumed she stopped talking when I opened the door

"Ms. Jones I thought I made it perfectly clear that late -" before she could finish Raven cut in "Its my fault I asked her to help me find my way around maam" he said

Mrs kings pursed her lips "You" she pointed at me "sit" so I hurriedly made my way to the chair "You" she pointed at Raven "find a seat" she said

And because Alice is still nowhere to be seen Raven sat on her chair beside me "Thanks" I told him "Anytime" he whispered back

I wished Raven didn't sat beside me because all the girls in our room where cranning their neck to look at him so I squirmed at my seat and I could see the side of Raven's lips twitching completely aware of the attention

So we pretended to listen to Mrs. Kings' boring blabber and I tried not to turn my head to stare at Alpha Xavier I stiffled a laughter as Raven showed me his drawing of Mrs. Kings with her hair on fire and her legs a pair of snakes

During geometry i read gabe's text about not being able to go to school and I cursed my luck

Alice:nope; Gabriel:Nope; An extremely difficult test in geometry that doesn't make sense: CHECK

"How's your day so far?" I asked Raven as I grabbed my lunch tray he sighed and snorted "Shit. You?" He says I nodded "Poo." I answered and he laughed

I was about to sit on the usual table when Raven grabbed my sleeve "Where are you going?" He asked and he pointed at the table where the others and jenna sat...with Alpha Xavier

I made a move to walk backwards "Come on scaredy pup" he goaded and I glared at him "Too scared?"he asked with a smirk

I stuck my tongue at him before starting to follow him towards the table

This is a disaster in the making.

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