Chapter 25- record of the most complicated love life

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"You are living with what?" She asked raising her voice making students in the library turn and glare I smiled at them apologizingly

"Shhh..." I said while she grinned "Damn Ash...I think you just broke the record of the most complicated love life" she said and I laughed

"OK..your turn to spill" I said and her face slightly soured she took a deep breath "Well...I'm Jordan's mate" she said "-ish" she added

"ISH?!" I asked loudly making people turn once again and I felt myself blush "Sorry" I whispered quietly

"What do you mean ish?" I asked she bit her lip "Ever heard of second chance mates?" She asked and something clicked in my mind-the first time I touched Raven's hand

"Maybe" I answered she nodded distractedly "Jordan's original mate she..she mated with another wolf" she said and my eyes widened

If a she-wolf mated-meaning getting her neck marked with a wolf's bite during um..copulation- with another wolf whose not their mate the bond between them is severed the female will not feel the bond anymore but the male still will

Vice-versa if a male mated with a female who is not his mate the bond will be cut off but the female will still feel

You can never undo mating..mating is sealing your destiny it's choosing who you want to be with..forever

Sadly those who mated with wolves who are not their original mates could not conceive a pup

It was the universe's way of punishing those who defied her will

"I'm jordan's second chance mate" she said "but his your..." original mate I wanted to ask but she already nodded her head

We stared at each other in silence and took a deep breath in unison "" I said "Yeah" she asked

"I think you just took my record of having the most complicated love life" I told her "You come in close second" she answered

" you think Raven's your second chance mate?" She asked and I nodded "And the record is yours again" she declared

"Who's Beta Jordan's original mate then?" I asked "Jasmime" she answered "His first girlfriend who broke his heart that turned him into a player"

Jasmine..I remember her freshmen year she was a beautiful exchange student from brazil that Beta Jordan fall in love with..then one day we received word that she went back to brazil and ever since then Beta Jordan fooled around with girls

"Jasmine and her new mate is his neighbor" Alice answered in a flat voice "I think we can share the record" I said

Alice nodded her head "The universe hates us" she said finally

I blew hair from my face "I hate her too" I said as Alpha Xavier walked in the library in with Jenna their hands intertwined

"So on a happy note" Alice said trying to get my attention "Raven's hot" she said

"How is that a happy note?" I asked curiously she shrugged "Atleast you're living with someone who's nice to look at" she answered

I laughed "Speaking of which...Jordan told me to move in with him" she said and I tried my best to not look at Alpha Xavier and Jenna who are checking out books with his arm around her

"What did you tell him?" I asked Alice scoffed "He told me Ash he didn't ask" she said

And I smiled "Well atleast you are going to be living with someone who is nice to look at" I said repeating her words

" with him in the house beside Jasmine" she said sarcastically "How lucky right?" She said with a roll of her eyes "My situation sucks" she groaned

"Look at the brighter side" I told her and she raised her eyebrows "Which is?" She asked me

I opened my mouth and closed it again I took a deep breath "Yeah...your situation do suck" I said

Al dropped her head on the table "What kind of a friend are you?" She asked and I smiled

"A friend who's a co-holder of the record of the most complicated love life" I said with a smile

"I bet Gabriel could never top our record" she said and I nodded

....if we only knew how wrong we were

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