Chapter 43-Perfect

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"Look..." he said softly I teared my eyes froom the horizon and turned sideways so that I was facing him while he continued to study the horizon

My eyes took him in... the sun made his skin look golden, it made his dark blue eyes gleamed with superiority and control his hair tousled by the slight breeze that graced the both of us softly he looked...majestic

I hate how every part of his being seemed chiseled to perfection it makes him seem more unreachable "You're starring" he said without tearing his gaze ahead

"You told me to look" I said he chuckled whilst shaking his head "I meant ahead..the sun was just setting" he said I turned and the sun has set finally meeting with the land somewhere far that only eyes can reach

"You missed was perfect" he said closing his eyes tipping his head back bathing himself with sunlight letting it's warmth seep through his skin smoldering him with gold

"You're perfect" I said before I could stop myself his eyes snapped his eyes open looking straight at mine with such intensity that I took a step back

"I'm not" he said with a stern voice before starting to walk down the hill bumping my shoulder I rubbed my shoulder with my hand pursing my lips

I trailed behind him walking down the hill when my phone buzzed inside my pocket

The fifth Rave calling...I pressed my finger against the screen to answer it when suddenly the phone was plucked from my hands

I peered at Alpha Xavier who dismissed the call before slipping my phone on his jeans' pocket

"Hey!" I complained he rolled his eyes completely ignoring me before going down the hill in one swift jump, with me tumbling behind him

"Why did you take my phone?" I asked him thrusting my hand out palms open waiting for him to hand it back he scoffed

"Why is he calling you?" He asked me half accusingly I tilted my head "How will I know if you don't let me answer it?" I asked him back

He rolled his eyes at me before going inside his car I rolled my eyes heaven ward "I'm the Alpha I can get other people's phone anytime I want" I mimicked in the air my eyes widened when the car started

I ran after it "Hey!" I shouted out to him slapping the end of the car the car stopped and I hurried inside the back of the car

"What'd you do that for?" I asked wiping sweat off my brow he chuckled bitting his lip "It's not funny" I mumbled he continued chuckling he looked at me through the rear view mirror he winked at me "It was a little funny love" he said

Blood rushed to my face and I averted my gaze the drive to Raven's place was too short for my liking I went out of the car and he did too I took the key out of my pocket

"Bye" I said he opening the door he started walking to his csr and I was about to go inside when I remembered something "My phone" I said

He stopped walking and he handed me my phone and I smiled up at him "Today was fun" I said he shoved his hands on his pockets shrugging

"I hope we could go there again some other time" I said he smiled "Well, you did miss the sun setting" he said with a shake of his head "You were too busy ogling me" he said smugly

"So I guess a second visit is needed" he said winking I nodded smilling widely

Maybe the land will meet with the sun at some point-

I thought as his phone rang he looked at me while he answered "Jen what's up?" He said against the phone before going inside his car and racing away without a second glance

-...or not

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