Chapter 50-Mad

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I yawned 5 hours into driving and my eye lids were starting to feel heavy, everybody was asleep except Alpha Xavier who had Jenna's head rested against his shoulder, is it so wrong that I want to cut her head off?

Raven had his arms crossed clearly irritated with Alpha Xavier and Jenna then as if to get the two's attention he rested his head against my shoulder closing his eyes

I tried to get Raven's head off of my shoulder but I caught Alpha Xavier's eyes on the rear view mirror...Right we're supposed to be pretending

I smiled up at Alpha Xavier, awkwardly brushing my hands through Raven's hair, I stifled a yawn once again and finally closed my eyes and drifted off to sleep

I rubbed my neck raising it from Alpha Xavier's shoulder who was sleeping his head was resting against the head rest his eyes closed

I stared at how angel like he seems when asleep a tug sainted the strings of my heart at how peaceful he seemed to be his mouth slightly open his chest rising and falling at a slow pace

"Take a picture it will last longer" he whispered suddenly I turned away from him and cleared my throat "I wasn't staring" I said defended myself

He chuckled straightening "I never said you were, love" he said "But you were implying that I was" I said blood rushing to my face

He laughed the sound vibrating off his chest I shivered involuntarily Raven grumbled in his sleep leaning his head against the window

"Are we still far off?" I asked fixing my glasses James Lint shook his head "No we're almost there" he said

"Thanks for this" he said pointing at the drool stain that I left on his shirt my fingers went to the side of my mouth, "I'm so sorry" I said my eyes widening

I tried to rub it dry with my hands but he grabbed my hands "It's okay" he said spark danced across my palms and my cheeks turned crimson

"I'm really sorry" I said again my voice shaking with embarrassment he chuckled letting go of my hands "It's alright, love" he said his eyebrows raised at me

I hid my face in my hands and turned away from him, way to make him realize what his missing, and what I catch I am: drool all over his shirt, just wow Ash!

The car halted into a stop infront of a big vintage like house with mahogany walls, "That's a cabin?" I asked since it looked more like a mansion

"Yup" Jasmine piqued and we got off the van one by one I groaned when my legs finally got the chance to stretch "You need some help with that?" Raven asked Jenna pertaining to Jenna's bags

"Don't you have a girlfriend to help?" Jennaasked Raven looked confused for a while before he realized "Oh..right" he said before walking over to me

I snickered "Lies are pretty hard to remember aren't they?" I told him and he smacked the back of my head "No...just you" he said jokingly I stuck my tongue at him and threw him all my bags

He groaned when the bags hit his stomach, I laughed and turned to enter the 'Cabin' I let my eyes scan the inside of the house it's wooden walls and floors giving it that inviting feeling of warmth

"So who's sharing room with who?" Hail asked plopping to the couch "Well, the couples could obviously share rooms together" Jasmine said

I froze and looked at Raven wide eyed his coal eyes mirroring the same panic that I was starting to feel

"So, it would be Jenna and Xavier, Dreydon and I, Alice and Um...Jordan, Ash and Raven" Jasmine said

"I can share with Gabriel" Alice piqued up, Jordan looked at Cameron and James "You dudes can share the same room" Jordan said non chalantly, if only he knew...

"No" Alpha Xavier said suddenly "You" he pointed at me "Room with Jenna" he said sternly an undrainable dread started to fill inside me just by the thought of having to share a room with little Ms. Priss

I tilted my head "What about Raven?" I asked Alpha Xavier smirked "There's plenty of room for him on the couch" he said

Alpha Xavier started to walk away with Raven shooting deathly daggers all over his back I went after him as he went out off the house

"You're aren't serious about making Raven sleep on the couch are you?" I asked a bit breathless

He turned to face me "And if I am?" He asked his eyebrow raised "You can't seriously let him!" I exclaimed

"I mean there's a lot of mosquitoes that might bite him, he might get sick or-" before I could finish my rant he cut me off

"Then he can have one of the damn rooms if it means so much to you!" he exclaimed with irritation, furiously running his fingers through his hair

"You're mad at me again" I said he looked at me for a while before he sighed out of exasperation "I'm not mad at you..." he said

"I'm just..." he trailed off before closing his eyes "You didn't broke up with him" he said tilting his head upwards eyes still closed

"That's what I'm mad about" he said softly, opening his eyes and I'll be lying if I told you that his words didn't make bubbles of happiness rise down my throat and make butterflies swarm around my stomach

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