Chapter 29-Whisper

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"Hey.." Raven greeted his phone against his ear I rubbed my eyes and nodded back since it was Saturday it was already 8 am when I woke up

"Yeah..." he said "Alright, Bye.. love you too mom" he said before dropping the phone on the couch and turning to me

"Get dressed" he said "Why?" I asked he smirked "We have to pay Jenna and Xavier a visit" he answered and at the sound of his name I rushed to my room to get dressed

Raven went out of the car and knocked at the front door of Alpha Xavier's house loudly, Jenna opened the door her happy expression changing into a surprised one when she saw us

"Raven?Ash?" She said regaining her composure with a smile "Come on in" she said she turned her back at us to lead us towards the living room and I eyed her white sleveless night gown that stopped in her mid thighs

Her night gown puts my SpongeBob pajamas into shame I heard Rave cleared his throat her eyes on her legs she told us to take a seat while she dressed

I eyed her figure that dissapeared inside his they've been sleeping in the same room, I thought with a pinch in my heart

The front door open getting my attention, Alpha Xavier went inside his house, with his earphones dangling around his neck his hair matted with sweat and his black tank top fitting over his tight chest and abdomen perfectly, his basketball shorts hanging around his waist while the sun rays from outside made the sweat around his bulging bisceps glisten I swallowed

He looked at us, one of his eyebrow raised "What are you doing here?" He asked in a cold tone I felt my heart pound against my ribcage loudly at the sound of his voice

He wove his fingers through his hair and I saw his bisceps flex he saw me looking and he gave me a cocky smirk "Like what you see?" He asked and I felt myself reddened "Yes" I said before quickly slapping my hands into my mouth "I mean no..pfft..what?" I added with a shake in my voice

He chuckled deeply and the hairs on my nape stood on the ends he went up the stairs inside his room and Rave raised his eyebrows and shook his head "Really? Scaredy pup,you said yes?" He asked incrudelous "Um...oops?" I said giving him a smile

He rolled his eyes and crossed his arms sitting on the couch "Why are they sleeping in the same room?" He grumbled and my mood soured

Plopping on the couch across Rave "What did you expect?" I asked rhetorically he shrugged "Certainly not this" he answered

"So what do you need?" Jenna asked kindly while, coming down the stairs with Alpha Xavier both fully dressed

Raven waited the both of them to take a seat into the couch before answering "Our parents are coming over tomorrow" he told Alpha Xavier

"Why?" He asked coldly "Why else?" Rave asked back looking at Jenna

"I told them that we could all meet up here" he said and looked around

"They don't know about all this...?" Jenna asked spreading her arms

"No...and they shouldn't" Raven said "Or my mom's going to kill me" he added "and you" he said pointing at Alpha Xavier

"That's it?" Alpha Xavier asked eyebrow raised "Um...I guess?" I said looking at Raven for confirmation he pursed his lips and nodded his head

"Off you go then" He said opening the front door I scowled at him "Asking your guests to live so soon?That's rude?" Raven said playfully

I swatted his arm as if to warn him "Don't" I told him and Raven rolled his eyes "Seriously, Scaredy pup I'm a little hungry" he said rubbing his stomach

"I can fix up something for you to eat" Jenna said avoiding Raven's eyes

Alpha Xavier sighed irritatedly I licked my lips looking at him while he gripped the door knob tighter "Rave, they seem..busy" I told him

"We could just go to the diner" I suggested while grabbing rave's sleeves dragging him out of the door as I walked past Alpha Xavier he grabbed my arm, the warmth of his hand seeping through my jacket

"Are you sure you want to leave, love?" He whispered against my ear and I felt my knees weaken I nodded while blood rushed to my cheeks

"But I thought you like hearing my voice" he teased still whispering before letting go of my arm I let out a breath and ran to the car with shaking knees and hands

I turned to look at him through the mirror as I shut the car door closed, he had a sexy smirk on his lips, he winked at me and gave me a mock salute before Raven scoffed starting the car

I touched my ear still feeling the warmth of his breath I shuddered remembering the jolts of electricity that ran down my spine

I hate the mate bond sometimes cause it makes him fall for him even more

He doesn't want meOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant