Chapter 39-Preparing

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Today was probably one of the few Saturdays that I actually woke up early I rubbed my eyes and got dressed when I got out of my room Raven was still in his boxers and tank top drinking milk straight from the box

"Hey...Scaredypup you're dressed early" he said offering the milk he drank from I shook my head and took some orange juice instead

I sat at the counter "Get dressed we have shopping to do" I said wiggling my eyebrows at him he rolled his eyes before heading up the stairs to get dressed  

I pushed the shopping cart along the hall looking at my phone to check the list Alice and Gabe texted me

"Eggs..." I muttered under my breath "Tomato souce..." I said grabbing a pack of tomato souce, "Condensed milk." I said reaching for the milk at the top shelf

"I got it..shorty" Raven teased I stuck my tongue at him I took a deep breath as I saw how much the ingredients caused I paid the cashier

"This date better be worth it" I told myself grabbing the plastic bags as me and Raven went out of the super market

I knocked at the front door of Beta Jordan's house "Hey" Alice said opening the door I smiled at her through the plastic bags in my arms

"Let me get that" Beta Jordan said getting the bags from my hands I smiled at him gratefully as me and Raven entered his home Raven nodded at Beta Jordan in greeting and Beta Jordan nodded back

Raven rubbed his hands together after placing the bags at the counter "So..I'm just going to grab the table and chairs from my aunt's place..I'll be back to pick you up" he told me and I nodded my head

"Thanks" I told him and he just nodded his head Beta Jordan looked through the bags before flickering his eyes at me "You sure Xave's worth the effort?" He asked

"Absolutely, Beta Jordan " I said and he grimaced "Just Jordan...Beta makes me feel old" he said before getting his car keys

"I'm just going to swing by Cameron's place" he told Alice kissing her forehead "I'll see you later" he said against her forehead before giving me a curt nod and walking out of the door

I looked at Al's flushesd cheeks "He's sweet" I told her and she smiled at me taking ingredients out of the plastic bags "Yeah...that he is" she said when we heard a knock I opened the door and saw Gabriel

He smiled at me glumly as Hail appeared behind him smilling at me widely "Hello Ash" she greeted and I smiled at her as she entered the house I looked at Gabe curiously opening my mount he held his hand up "Don't ask" he said in a sigh

I closed my mouth and just smiled at him "So what are we gonna cook?" Hail asked in cheery tone

Alice showed her the list that we made and Hail peered at the list before raising his eyes to me "All this for Xavier?" She asked

I shrugged "I'm doing this in the name of love" I said she smiled "Me too" she said her eyes shifting to Gabriel who didn't look up from examining the can of milk

I helped prepare the ingredients when Raven called informing that he's outside I bid my good byes to Al, Hail, and Gabe leaving them to work their magic in the kitchen

I slammed the car door shut "Let's go" he asked and I nodded my head we rolled into a stop infront of a beverage store

We entered the store and a gum chewing girl with shaved head looked at us "Ya folks old enough?" she asked and Raven flashed her a smile "Why does it matter?" He asked

The girl popped a pink bubble chewing loudly "Not really" she said and Raven pushed me towards the shelves of wine "Alpha perk?" I asked and he smirked shaking his head

"Hot guy perk" he whispered grabbing a bottle of wine "Red or White?" He asked me and I looked at him "What's the difference?" I asked

"Red wines are red, white wines are white" he answered and I rolled my eyes at him "Whichever" I asked and we ended up going for a red wine from 1982 with a name that I can't pronounce nor spell

We paid for the wine which is not cheap may I add and we went back to Beta Jordan's place since they weren't done cooking yet me and Raven offered out help

Five minutes into helping, they begged us to stop, so we did and just watched in amazement as they finished one meal at a time "that was a lot of work" Al said plopping to the sofa

It was 4:30 only a few hours away so they rested for a while before we drove to the beach when we arrived no one was there just as Raven promised

So they -even Jordan- helped us set the table I sighed as I saw how perfect it was I looked at my watch 6:17

Alice looked st the table "Almost perfect" she said and my eyes widen in panic "Why what's missing?" I asked her and she smirked at me hail beside her

"You're seriously not thinking about wearing that are you?" Hail asked me and I tucked my head down "I left my good stuff at my place" I said and Alice winked at me

"You are lucky to have me" she said showing me a floral dress while hail wagged a pair of heels at me a smile in her face

I changed at Gabe tinted car very lady like I know and tugged at the knee length floral sleveless dress I slipped on the black strapped heels while hail braided my hair

I looked at my watch again 6:56 "Are you sure?" Gabe asked when I told them that they can leave

"Yeah..he'll be here soon" I said smilling up at Beta Jordan who smiled at me slightly "Call me if you need anything okay?" Raven asked

I fix my glasses "Good luck!" Hail said blowing me a kiss so I stood there at the beach hearing the waves crash, I lit the candles and waited for him

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