Chapter 46-Pretend

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He called again and even if the fact scares me and slightly embarrasses me, I still couldn't help myself but answer the call

"Hey..." I said even if I didn't really expect him to answer "Hey" he whispered hoarsely his voice made me shiver "You said something" I said half laughing

"I want- I needed to ask for a favor" he said and I sat up holding the phone against my ear "Anything" I said instantly

I heard him take a breath before answering "I want you to move on, find someone else, look for someone who will love you the way you deserve to be loved" he said

"Is that what you really want?" I asked him trying to keep my voice normal "Yes" he said "Will that make you happy?" I asked "Yes" he said again

"Okay then" I lied bitterly before placing the phone in the bedside table I went out of my room and sat at the counter of the kitchen I tried to hold back the tear that are threatening to spill from my eyes

"What did that fucker do this time?" Raven asked and I yelped in surprise as he appeared from behind me he sat down beside me and handed me a glass of water

I took a sip from the glass and breathed out a sigh "He asked me to move on,to find someone else " I said sniffing

"For what? So that he and Jenna can live happily ever after?" Raven asked with edge on his voice I shook my head "No..its not like that" I said

"It's like he means it you know, like he thinks its best for me to move on, and that's what makes it so painful, him giving his blessing" I said wiping my tears with the back of my hand

Raven brushed his hand across my back soothingly I rested my head on his shoulder closing my eyes and the moment that my eyes opened...things started to change

It happened during lunch, most of the girls is still in the heat house making the school surprisingly quiet, I sat between Gabriel and Raven

"I have an announcement" Raven exclaimed making everyone seated on the table turn their eyes to him

"Scaredypup finally agreed to be my girlfriend" he said putting his arms around eyes widened,Gabriel who was drinking water coughed loudly

"Congratulations" Dreydon said with a smile my brain still failed to register what Raven just said,Jordan's eyebrows  were raised a smirk in his lips

"Cool" Jordan said giving Alpha Xavier a measured gaze Cameron winked up at me "I was wondering when that will happen" he said and I opened my mouth to clarify that Raven was joking

But Raven's arm tightened around my shoulders in warning so I looked up to him my eyes questioning Raven just looked at me wiggling his eyebrows playfully

"You good with that?" James asked Alpha Xavier who was looking at me with a blank face I lowered my gaze

"I don't care" he said standing up he walked off shutting the cafeteria door so loudly that it shook the table when everybody else left I shoved Raven's arm away from my shoulders

"What was that?" I asked Raven chuckled "He wants you to move on right?" He said like it was obvious "But we're not..." I trailed off pointing from him to me

Raven laughed "No, but we can pretend" he said I looked at him for a while "I want to make them realize that we won't always be there 'following them around like dogs'" Raven said quoting Alpha Xavier

I shook my head "I'm not a good liar" I said Raven smirked "But I am" he said

Me and Raven were sitting on the hood of his car hunched over his physics book trying to figure out question 4 when...

"Quit the act, and stop embarrassing yourselves" Alpha Xavier said his arms crossed standing infront of us

"What are you talking about?" Raven chastised putting his hand on my waist Alpha Xavier's eyes shifted from Raven to me to Raven's hand

"I'm warning you Sonter" Alpha Xavier said his face bare of expression but there was a tightness in his voice

"What? I told her to give us a try she said yes!" Raven said the lie easing out of his lips smoothly

Alpha Xavier smirked "If you're trying to make me jealous it's not going to work so stop" he said looking directly at me

I felt ice stab through my heart with his words "What's so wrong with us giving it a try? We are second chance mates after all" Raven said

Alpha Xavier's jaw ticked before shaking his head turning on his heel, walking to his car and he sped away Raven nudged his hips with mine

"Nailed it" he laughed and I looked at him before laughing "This stuff only happens in bad romantic comedies" I said

Raven looked at me weirdly "How could you be a living breathing werewolf and still think that this stuff only happens in movies?" He asked

And I tilted my head thoughtfully before nodding "Good point" I said

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