Phoenix High [15]

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Aaron's pov

I frowned at the waiter and he (she) smiled at me. Michi.........Michi was trying to ruin our date.

"Excuse me Aphmau, I need to talk to Michai for a minute." I said angrily as I slammed my hands on the table and stood up. I grabbed Michi by the arm and dragged her to the hall leading to the bathrooms.

"What do you think you are doing!?" I yelled but kept my voice quiet.

"Michi is just at work. Nya." Michi said with a smile as she pulled off the mustache.

"If you weren't a girl I would have punched you so hard you would end up in the Nether." I growled.

Michi giggled and looked me in the eyes. Suddenly Michi grabbed the front of my jacket and pulled my face close to hers. I froze and it took a minute to register what happened.

"Aaron......." Aphmau's voice cracked behind me.

Aphmau's pov

Aaron suddenly dragged the waiter away and I bit my lip. Was something wrong? That guy did look extremely familiar but I can't put my finger on it.

I hadn't noticed but Aaron had been gone for a long time. I started to get worried and stood up. Aaron had taken Michai over to the bathrooms so I would just go over there.

As I walked down the hall I could heard the shattering of my heart. Michi was here and she grabbed Aaron and kissed him. He didn't push her away......was he two-timing me like Dante did to Kawaii~Chan and Nicole?

"Aaron........" My voice cracked.

Aaron quickly pushed Michi away from hi and turned to me.

"Aphmau it isn't-"

"I know exactly what this is! Was this the reason you wanted to come here?" I asked, large tears rolling down my face.

"Aphmau it isn't like that!" Aaron said but I ignored him.

He walked up to me and reached out his hand but I slapped it away.

"Leave me alone!" I yelled. I could no longer hold back the tears and my now broken heart.

It feels like the wound had just reopened after it was just getting sewed back. I turned away and started running. Aaron called out my name but I ignored him and ran out of La Phoenix.

I guess it had started pouring down rain while we were inside. I didn't care that I was going to get wet I just needed to clear my head.

I was running when I could hear Aaron following me. "Aphmau wait!" He yelled.

I couldn't face him. I never meant what I said but I was heartbroken. I knew it was too good to be true.

"Aphmau stop!" Aaron yelled once again but I didn't stop. Where was I going? The rain was coming down too fast so I could barely see my surrounding except for.....two yellow lights.

"APHMAU!!!" Suddenly I felt a strong force against me and I fell to the ground. I could feel my skin rip and I grimaced.

Right when I looked up my stomach sank. Aaron stared into my eyes as the man slammed down on his breaks and Aaron rolled across the hood of the car.

Aaron lay on the ground motionless and I stood up not caring about the sharp pain in my ankle.

I ran to Aaron and fell to my knees sobbing. "AARON!" I screamed as I saw blood run down his head.

People stood around us shocked. What were they doing!?

"Call an ambulance!" I yelled and the people jumped. One woman quickly pulled out her phone and dialed the number.

After a small amount of time the ambulance arrived and they put Aaron on the stretcher. They allowed me to ride in the ambulance too and I never let go of Aaron's hand.

Tears were rolling down my face as I sobbed and gripped his hand tighter. They already had him hooked to an IV and the beeping was like horns blasting in my ears and every time the beeping got slower I almost freaked out.

Aaron's pov. (Play music)

Everything was black until I heard yelling. The yelling sounded so familiar Falcon Claw military. I shuttered at the memory. Aphmau......was she okay? I couldn't move but I could hear sobbing. That must be her

Suddenly everything turned white and I was back to when Aphmau and I were children.

"Aaron look! I found a caterpillar!" Aphmau yelled.

She was such a tomboy but always was wearing a red dress that was adorable. Why was I remembering this? Was this what I get for betraying Aphmau?

"Aph! Put the bug down or you are going to get in trouble!" My child self yelled.

Suddenly everything was spinning and I awoke in a black room.

"Aphmau?" I called out but there was no response. Was I still in a dream?

I reached out and found a candle on a bedside table. I pulled a lighter from my pocket and lit the candle. The room lit up and I frowned. I was in my room when I was little.....this was the night my parents decided to move back to Falcon Claw.

I slipped out of my room and heard my parents.

"Honey! We need to move back! The company needs me and Aaron needs to be trained to be the successor of Falcon Design!" My dad yelled.

Yes, my parents owned a clothing design company and my father was the one who owned it. I was supposed to be the one to take over the company but then we moved to Phoenix Drop and I swore to be with that little black haired girl forever.

"What about Aaron!? I know it is a family company but you can't just expect us to drop everything to move back home! What about Aaron's friends? What about that little girl who manages to get Aaron to smile? Are we ever going to see that smile again?" My mom started to cry and I shifted from foot to foot at the top of the stairs.

"We have to, we can take a few days to say goodbye but by the end of the week we have to start packing." My dad said. I remembered this night like it happened just yesterday.

The first night I actually rose my voice to my parents and stormed off.

Suddenly there was pain in my arms and legs and I fell onto the ground. Everything was spinning and I head beeping.

I sat up quickly in a panic. I was panting and sweating. I looked around me and I was in a white room......a hospital.

I let out a breath of relief when I saw Aphmau sitting on a chair with her head in my hand. I smiled and stroked her head. I'm so glad she didn't get hit by that car.....that would've ruined me.

I started to feel sleepy again so I laid back down and tightened my grip on Aphmau's hand.

"I will not leave you." I whispered and fell asleep.

I made this promise when we were five and I plan on keeping it until I am six feet under.

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