Chapter 14

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April's P.O.V

It's been a couple of days since Aiden has kissed me, but I am not worried at all because he is opening up a bit more to me. I wouldn't say that he told me the reason why he became a rogue in the first place, but he considers us boyfriend and girlfriend now which has made me extremely happy.

Not only that but he has been cuddling with me every night on his own. He would just walk into my room, climb into my bed and cuddle with me like it is an unspoken rule between us.

Right now we are in my bed cuddling, and I am in that state where I am awake yet I am still asleep. I'm about to fall back asleep until I feel Aiden's lips pressing small little kisses against my shoulder. I give out a content sigh before turning around to face my mate.

"Good morning April," Aiden tells me.

I look at him a bit before kissing his cheek lightly, "good morning Aiden. Aren't I supposed to be the one waking you up with breakfast?" I jokingly tell him.

He does this little thing where he breathes through a chuckle, kind of like he wants to laugh loudly but then he re-thinks it and decides to do a breathy one. I don't know how to describe it but it is adorable.

"I decided to give you a break for today."

"Oh how generous of you," I reply.

"I know, I'm just that amazing," he tells me jokingly.

Oh you have no idea how amazing you truly are Aiden.

"Anyways, I was wondering if we can go for a run today? Your father says that there has only been one rogue spotted near our territory, so it is safe enough for us to walk around."

I smile up at him, and then cuddle into his side, "not yet, I just want to lie down for a bit longer" I tell him.

He says okay back and then holds me closer to him. Not even a minute into the cuddle, he starts to fidget with restless energy. I sigh and then push away from him, telling him that I will meet him outside of my room in a few minutes. You should have seen how fast he ran out.

I do my morning routine and then meet him outside of my room when I am finished. We walk outside of the house and then to the woods hand in hand, until we are a respective distance away from the pack house.

We shift into our wolves, and I guess Clarity couldn't help herself because she walked closer to Blaze and started to rub her muzzle against his, licking here and there. Blaze purrs and licks her back. After a couple of minutes pass by with them showing their affection for each other, Blaze playfully pulls on Clarity's ear and then starts to run away.

Clarity lightly growls and starts to chase him, continuing his game of tag. Once their game is done, they walk side by side to the lake to drink some water.

Are you hungry my love? Blaze says through the mind link.

Considering we didn't have breakfast, Clarity nods her head.

Okay wait here, I will be right back with some food, Blaze tells us, before licking our muzzle and running of somewhere in the woods.

Clarity decides to take that time to lie down and relax while we wait for Blaze to return. At least a half an hour later, we here a noise coming from the trees next to us. Clarity gets up and starts to growl in that direction, thinking that it was that lone rogue that has been spotted. She stops growling when she sees Blazes behind, slowly backing up towards us.

She lies back down and puts her paws over her muzzle, and I can here her laughing inside our head and I have to admit that it is pretty funny. Once Blaze reaches our spot, he slowly turns around with a dead deer and some dead rabbits. 

I didn't know which ones you preferred so I got you two things to choose from, he tells us.

Clarity gets up and licks his muzzle, watching in glee when a big wolfy smile takes over his face. Blaze sits there and waits for Clarity to take the first bite before he digs in, and when she bites off a small piece of the deer's leg, he joins in by taking a huge chunk out of it's neck. 

An hour later, once all of the food has been eaten, Blaze and Clarity move over to a giant tree and rest under the shade provided by the tree's leaves. Blaze cuddles up closer to Clarity, and as she rests her head on his paws, he licks the top of her head and nuzzles himself on top of her neck. 

They stay like that for a bit, until we hear my fathers voice inside of our heads.

Aiden and April, we need you both at the house now. Please.

We get up, and slowly start walking back towards the house. Once we get there, we see the whole pack standing in our backyard.

I shift back and walk over to dad, Aiden following my lead. 

"Dad, whats going on?"

"Well, we figured that it is time we accept Aiden into our pack," and then he looks over to Aiden who is standing behind me, "that is, if you want to." 

I turn around to face Aiden, watching him look around. He returns his focus onto us, and while looking at my dad he replies, "it would be an honour to become a part of this pack."

My dad leads Aiden onto the makeshift stage that has been set up.

"Hello everybody, and thank you all for coming here on such short notice," begins my dad, "we are here to accept a new wolf into our pack. So without further ado, I would like to introduce Aiden to you all."

Everyone is silent for a bit before they begin to clap. Aiden steps forward and my dad begins the process. About ten minutes later, my dad begins to finish the ceremony. He cuts his hand and then holds it out to Aiden, the knife held out to him also with his other hand.

"Do you, Aiden Summers, accept the responsibilities of this pack, to remain loyal and fight by our side, to protect your loved ones from now until you die?" Asks my father.

Aiden looks at the pack and then towards me. I give him smile, and with his gaze still focused on me, he takes the knife out of my dads hands and slices his palm. He winces a bit, but then, in a loud and strong voice, he says, "I accept!"

The pack cheers while both my dad and Aiden shake their bloody hands, joining Aiden in our pack. My dad turns to the crowed, "ladies and gentlemen, I give to you our new pack member and future Alpha, Aiden Summers!"

The crowed goes into a full out cheer when they here 'future Alpha' coming out of my dads mouth, and then both of my two favourite men coming walking towards us. I hug Aiden tightly and then kiss him on the lips. I pull back and then pull him away from the group and up to my room. 

Once I close the door, I turn around to find Aiden on the floor, clutching his head in pain.

"Aiden!" I run up to him and hold him against me, "what's wrong?"

He groans in pain, "too many voices," he replies in a strained voice.

It's the packs mind-link. Since he has been accepted into the pack, he can now here the thoughts of those in our pack, along with communicate with anyone in our pack.

"Okay Aiden, I need you to listen to me and do everything I say alright?" When he nods his head, I tell him to imagine that there is a wall he is putting up, blocking out the sounds.

A few minutes later I watch him relax, "did it work?" I ask. He nods his head and then sighs in relief. 

"Good, now whenever you want to communicate with someone in the pack, or you want them to know what you are thinking, imagine a little hole in the wall made especially for that person. Once that is done, that one person you opened the hole for is the only person you will be able to hear."

He gets up and flops down onto my bed. I get up also and get ready for bed. When I get out of my bathroom, I see Aiden lying down on my bed in his pyjamas too. He looks up at me with those black eyes of his, and opens his arms wide, silently asking me to come over and cuddle with him. I do exactly that and we both fall asleep in each others arms.      

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