Chapter 16

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April's P.O.V

It's been about six months since I have met Aiden and he still hasn't told me anything about his past. I have told him all about mine, my childhood, all of the memories I have made whether they were good or bad, and so forth. What did I get from him in return? Nada!

When I told my mother and Crystal about this, they told me to be patient and wait for him to tell me. They kept saying that he will tell me whenever he is ready and that I shouldn't pressure him. Its just, what if he is never ready? What if he never tells me? Could it be that maybe he has another girlfriend that he doesn't want me to know about and that he had gotten her pregnant and ran off from fear? 

I shake my head from the silly ideas invading my thoughts and try to focus back on Crystal and I's girl day. The boys are somewhere doing boy things, probably playing playstation or something, while Crystal and I talk about our relationships with our mates and what ever is new in the pack. School has finished about a month ago and we have signed Aiden up for next years group. 

At first he was thrilled because he thought that he was going to be learning more stuff about werewolves but when I told him that we share the school with humans and we are learning the normal subjects like Math and English, he became grumpy and said that he doesn't want to go anymore. Unfortunately, with my mother, that is not an option. Trust me I have tried plenty of times.

I have noticed that he has gotten close with my parents and a few of the pups in the pack but he still asks for permission to do stuff and he still has that weird fear of bathtubs. I have looked into my fathers book of records that holds every single piece of information from every pack. For example, the members names and ages, their mates, their families and so forth. I could not find Aiden in any of the packs information, which let me tell you frustrated me to no end. 


About two months later (sorry for the large time laps)

So school has started again, and every kid in this pack have not been happy campers lately. At first I use to tolerate school but now I despise it with every inch of my being. Not only do Aiden and I not have any classes together, but somehow, he has become the most popular kid in our school. He has been kept at the populars table ever since school started, even though I am his girlfriend, I am apparently not fit to be in the populars group. Plus don't even get me started on the human girls. They have been draping themselves all over my boyfriend, vying for his attention. 

With my werewolf hearing, I have heard Aiden tell them plenty of times that he has a girlfriend and that he is not interested, and in all of Aiden's fashion, he has told them in the most polite way possible. Don't get me wrong, I mean I know that my boyfriend is very hot but that's exactly what he is, my boyfriend. Whenever we get back to the pack house, Aiden holds me close and tells me that those girls don't interest him and that I'm the only one that he wants. 

I hope that is truly him talking and not just the mate bond or else that would suck badly. Although I can't really be with him much at school, I can't complain because I'm the one that gets to fall asleep in his arms each and every night.

Aiden has been stressed for that past two weeks and I can tell that it is not because of school. It probably has something to do with the rogue that is still lurking around our territory.He won't admit it but he sometimes unknowingly lets his mind block down and I can feel how nervous and anxious he is about the rogue. He has been that way ever since the rogue attacked me a few months back.


It's another day at school, and we are not even an hour into the day and I already want to tear off the heads of most of these girls. Wherever I go all I hear is, 'Oh my gosh, the new boy is so hot,' 'It sucks that he has a girlfriend,' and the worst one yet, ' I wonder if he is good in bed, do you think that I could get into his pants and find out?' 

Gah! Don't they realize that I am right here and that I can hear every word they are saying about my boyfriend? Ugh it just pisses me off! 

By lunchtime I am already fuming with anger and I feel like a cartoon with my face all red and steam practically blowing out of my ears. I sit down at the Invisibles table which consists of Crystal, Nate and I. 

"Wow, what crawled up your butt this morning," says Nate after looking at me for just a second.

"All day and for the past two weeks, I have had to hear girls talk amongst themselves about how hot my boyfriend is and placing bets to see if they could get him into bed to see if he is, and I quote, 'a real good fuck'." At the mention of the last phrase, both Crystal and Nate's eyes go wide and their jaws drop. Yeah that was my exact reaction too when I heard that one, "like why are they saying this stuff when they know he has a girlfriend?!? I'm his freaking girlfriend and I don't even know if he is good in bed or not!" 

When I finally realize what has just come out of my mouth, I blush like crazy and cover my mouth with both of my hands. Wow, talk about embarrassing. Nate and Crystal start to laugh hysterically at my embarrassment, and that's when I notice it. One of the popular human girls walking over to Aiden with a flirtatious look on her face.

My hands automatically ball up into fists, and I tune my hearing into their conversation, "Hi handsome, I was wondering if maybe you and I can hang out a bit after school? My parents won't be home until later on tonight," says the girl.

I growl under my breath, my wolf already thinking of ways that we can gruesomely kill her. Then she does something that finally sets my ticking time bomb off. She. Puts. Her. Hand. On. My. Mate. And . Presses. Her. Boobs. Against. His. Chest!

I slam my hands against my lunch table, instantly getting the attention of the whole cafeteria. Good, I think, I want then all to watch this so that they can get the memo. The moment Aiden sees me walking over to him, he quickly notices the angry expression on my face, his eyes becoming as big as golf balls. Once I get to where they are standing, I put my arm through his and glare at the girl.

"No he will not be joining you at your house after school," I inform her.

"Oh really, and what makes you think that?" She asks me.

"Because," I tell her, and then raise my voice higher so everyone can hear me, "Aiden is my boyfriend, and I really do not appreciate you women talking about trying to get him into bed!"

Automatically, the whole cafeteria starts chatting amongst themselves in hushed whispers. I can tell Aiden is looking at me because I can see him from my peripheral vision, although I am not sure if it is in pride or embarrassment. 

"Is that true Aiden honey?" The girls asks. I growl under my breath and Aiden wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me towards him. He coughs a bit before answering her question, "yes that is true. She is my girlfriend, so please can all of you just leave me alone?" 

She huffs before walking over to her friends. Ha! Take that! Aiden grabs my hand and then pulls me into the hallway where there are no people. Oh great, now he is going to yell at me.

"You know, you are extremely cute when you are jealous," he tells me with a small little smirk on his handsome face.

"Yeah well, if they keep hanging off of you like that then I will become fucking adorable," I grumble. Obviously he heard me and did that breathy chuckle of his.

"Now you know how I feel whenever I see guys looking at you like you are a piece of meat," he tells me. 

"Oh just shut up and kiss me you annoying little shit," I tell him with a small smile on my face.

He laughs before coming closer to me. He grazes his lips against mine, "it would be my pleasure shit face," he whispers before pressing his lips against mine in a gentle but passionate kiss.

Okay so maybe today has not been a total shipwreck.   

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