Chapter 15

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Aiden's P.O.V

Everything with April is going amazingly well. She has not pressured me into going further which I am extremely happy about, but my wolf on the other hand, is getting really impatient. He keeps telling me to mark her and finally make her ours by finishing the bond. He says that he hates the looks that males are giving her and I have to admit that I hate it too. 

Its been at least a month and a half that April and I have accepted the mate bond that the Moon Goddess has created between us and I have noticed that we have been getting closer. The only thing that is different this time is that I am not scared of how strongly I feel towards her, in fact, I actually look forward to our bond getting even stronger than it is now.

I am still a little tense when we are outside of the pack house because of what happened to April the last time. That one rogue has still been spotted roaming our territories boundaries, and I can't help but wonder why. The rogue problem at Alpha Michaels territory is solved thanks to our pack warriors help, but he is still here. I haven't told April this but sometimes I catch Alpha Michael watching my every move with curious eyes and it is starting to freak me out. 

Though the worst thing out of all of this, is that April has been asking me questions about my family again, and I am running out of things to tell her. I know what you are thinking, 'the truth might be a good way to go', but I can't. I have been trying to get rid of those memories that haunt my dreams at night when April is not there. I'm scared of losing her, and I know that if I tell her about my past, then I will definitely lose her, but if I don't, I might lose her anyway.

I must have been stuck in my thoughts for too long because I haven't noticed April trying to get my attention. 

"Hello? Aiden are you okay?"

"Huh? Yeah I'm fine, just been doing a lot of thinking thats all," I tell her. Technically that is not a lie because I have been thinking a lot recently. 

"About what? Maybe I can help."

Can she? I still haven't decided which way I should go; the truth, or avoidance.

"Just about the rogue that won't go away. I have been trying to figure out what it might possibly want." Okay still not technically a lie, I have been thinking about the rogue also. It's weird calling them rogues when I used to be one myself not too long ago.

"Yeah I know. They're difficult to understand. I mean some are not looking for any trouble and are just passing through, others have probably found their mate and trying to figure out a way to be with them without getting killed, and others just want to have a land to call theirs. Even if they have to kill off a whole pack to get it." She tells me. At the mention of of the word kill, my thoughts immediately go back to that day when that one rogue attacked. The way it bit into April's shoulder like that and how I thought it was going to kill her.

To be honest, I don't remember what happened in the few moments it took from seeing that filthy wolf on top of her, to it's gruesome demise. All I know is that one minute, I see her on the ground with a wolfs jaw locked onto her shoulder, my wolf and I see red, and then everything just goes black. Next thing I know is that I have my jaws locked around a bloody rogues neck with its limp body hanging from my clenched teeth and his blood seeping into my mouth. 

"Stop Aiden," says April. I look at her with a confused look, not aware that I was doing something that needed to be stopped.

"You saved me that day by killing that rogue," she clarifies. Oh right, I forgot that since I joined the pack, people have access to my thoughts unless I have that mind block up. Since April is my mate, she can tell what I am thinking just by feeling the emotions that are coursing through me. I grab her hand and squeeze it lightly, looking at the place where the rogue had bit her. It's all healed now, but I know that it was there.

She presses her lips to mine gently and I lightly moan from the tingles and shocks I feel whenever we kiss. We pull back and then cuddle on the couch for bit. We will have to get up soon so we can get ready for the double date that she and her friend Crystal had set up. Apparently, they made a pact when they were younger that when they both had their mates, they would do a double date so we can all be a close group. 

Personally I don't want to go because that would mean that I had to socialize with new people, and I hate doing that. Especially when one of those people were really close with April, and that he was a male. I know he has a mate, but I still didn't like the idea that they were buddy buddy, and that I had to wear his clothes for two days before I got my own. I would have said no, but my wolf told me that he would give me hell if even thought of telling her no.

Not wanting to figure out of he is bluffing or not, I decided to go. 


All four of us are at a little diner in town that the girls have been going to since they first became friends and they have been chatting to each other about God knows what for the past two hours. Nate and I have only said a few words to each other to show that we have accepted the others company for the evening. 

Once dinner has been eaten and the girls have continued to talk, Nate and I have struck up a conversation and surprisingly we hit it off. After dinner we went to walk around the little shops that were there and we all had pleasant conversation with each other. I wouldn't say that I am 'besties' with Crystal and Nate, but I can say that I tolerate their presence more than I did before. 

April seems really happy and thats all that matters to me really. We continue to walk around and find some random things to do, before we decide to call it a night and head on back to the pack house.


At the pack house, we all say our goodbyes and goodnights, and head off up to our rooms. While April heads into her room, I head off into mine to get ready for bed. I brush my teeth, and then change into a pair of pyjama pants, debating on whether I should take my bracelets off or keep them on. Considering that I sleep shirtless and that I have not yet told April about my past yet, I decide to keep them on and then walk to Aprils room and climb into bed with her.

I look forward to another peaceful nights sleep without any nightmares to keep me up, and then a wonderful morning starting with the sight of my beautiful mate.  

My Abused MateOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara