Chapter 17

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April's P.O.V.

Now that everybody knows Aiden is my boyfriend, they have backed off of him. He now sits at the Invisibles table with Nate, Crystal and I where we all tell jokes and have fun. It's just, for some reason, no matter how perfect things are right now, I feel like something is going to come by and ruin it. 


A month and a half later (again sorry for the time jumps)

There is a holiday this week, which means that we have no school for about two weeks. I wake up that morning in Aiden's arms with a terrible feeling, like today is going to suck.

I turn around in Aiden's arms to see that he is still asleep, and I just start playing with his hair. A few seconds later he starts to fidget in his sleep, mumbling something I can't understand under his breath here and there. This is the first time he has had a nightmare in a while. He jolts up, and starts to look around fearfully. When he sets his gaze on me, he pulls me closer to him and then inhales my sent deeply. That's another thing that helps mates calm down- smelling their mates sent. It reassures their wolves that their mates are okay and that they are here for them.

"Aiden, it's okay, everything is okay," I tell him, but why am I having trouble believing that?

He pulls away and wipes the sweat off of his forehead. He gets up out of bed and tells me that he is going to take a shower. I get up also and start getting ready for the day. I meet Aiden outside of my room and together we walk downstairs to the kitchen to get something to eat. The only thing is, is that Aiden didn't touch one single piece of food on his plate, even after giving him permission. 

After breakfast, we migrated over to the living room to watch T.V. hoping that it would get him back to his normal cuddly self. No such luck on that one, he would just look off into space and not say anything, even when I tried to start a conversation with him. What in the Moon Goddess was my mates nightmare about?

"Aiden? Do you want to talk about your nightmare?" I ask him. It takes a while for him to come back into the land of reality. 

"What?" He asks me, somewhat in a daze.

"I asked you if you wanted to talk about your nightmare. Sometimes it helps to talk about it," I remind him.

He sakes his head no, telling me that he would rather try to forget it. I sigh and then get up off of the couch.

"Okay that's it. No more mopey Aiden, let's go out for a run," I tell him while pulling him off of the couch too. He groans but gets off the couch nevertheless and follows me outside. He refused to shift, so instead of going for a run, we settled for a walk.

About fifteen minutes into our walk, we start to hear growling and snarling. Aiden tenses up and pulls me closer to him. We slowly walk towards the sound, when we come upon my father and the guards on patrol. The guards are growling towards a woman lying on the ground, while Alpha Michael stands in front of her protectively, growling back at the guards. 

Aiden and I walk up to the scene, me still held close to Aiden, trying to figure out what exactly is going on. We stand next to my dad, and I am about to ask him what exactly is going on, when I feel Aiden tense even more under my grip, and start walking towards the woman. The more he moves, the more Alpha Michael growls.

"Aiden stop before he hurts you," I tell him worriedly.

Instead of listening to me, he continues to walk closer, moving his head side to side to get a better look at the woman. When Aiden is too close for Alpha Michaels liking, Alpha Michael swings his paw at Aiden, scratching Aiden's arm and hip. I gasp, getting ready to fight at my mates side. 

Aiden winces and stops for a moment, before he does a shocking thing- he lifts Alpha Michael up and tosses him towards a tree. While Alpha Michael shakes off the pain from the impact, Aiden walks closer to the woman and crouches down near her, moving the hair in front of her face away.

Alpha Michael prepares to attack him but he, along with every single one of us, freezes in shock when we hear Aiden talk, "Mom?" He gasps out. 

Mom? That's his mother? Wait, if Alpha Michael was protecting her the way he was then that must mean that she is his mate, and that my suspicions after all were correct.... Alpha Michael is Aiden's father.

Alpha Michael shifts back to his human force and I see a shocked and disbelieving look on his face, his face as white as snow. He didn't know. He didn't know that his son has been right in front of him this whole time for the past few months. 

My gaze returns to Aiden when I see him pick his mother up with tears in his eyes and runs back in the direction of the pack house. My father, Alpha Michael and I run after him, following him to the packs infirmary.

"Help! Somebody please help!" Aiden yells out. The pack doctor comes running out of his office and over to Aiden, "please, help her, please," he repeats again.

The doctor instructs him to put her on the bed and to wait outside while he inspects her. After the doctor wheels Aiden's mother into the emergency room, Aiden slowly turns towards me with tears streaming down his cheeks and pain etched on his face. When he sees me there, in the doorway, he runs up to me and hugs me tightly to him, crying onto my shoulder. 

I hug him back and then follow him to the ground when his legs fail him, rubbing soothing circles on his back while he cries.

"She has to be okay, April. I can't lose my mother," he keeps mumbling to me. 

"I know shhhh it's going to be okay. If she is anything like you, then she is a very strong person," I tell him back.

My father had left to probably let my mother know what is going on, so I chanced a glance towards Alpha Michael. He is starring at the white wall with a series of different emotions all over his face; despair, disbelief, relief, and so on. 

I hugged Aiden for the whole two hours it took for the pack doctor to help his mother, but finally he walks out of a room in the back, telling us that she is okay and that she is awake. He tells Aiden that she has been asking for him, so together we stand up from the floor and I ask him if he wants me to come with him. He tells me that this is something that he would like to do alone. 

Respecting his wishes, I sit down in an empty chair, waiting for him to come to me if he needs me, silently telling him that I will forever be there for him. 

"How could I have not known? He was right there in front of me, how could I have not seen the resemblance?" Alpha Michael mumbles.

I didn't know how to respond honestly, because sure I had my suspicions, but even I wasn't one hundred percent sure that Alpha Michael was Aiden's father.

About two hours later, we hear a loud growl that makes me shiver in fear, then I see Aiden rushing towards Alpha Michael with anger written all over his face. Before I could get up to calm him down, he has already pinned Alpha Michael up against the wall and starts to punch him in the face.


I knew today was going to be horrible.

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