Pouring Sugar & Getting Detention

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Dedicated to my book buddy, bookbuddy Welcome back!
Please check out her new story Summer Spree and give her some love, because she's an incredible writer and all around awesome person. :D

Listen to the song, Sweeties! Or else... Edit: So I had to add a new vid because the other was deleted. If it happens again and you can't listen to the song, please let me know. If you want to look it up yourself, it's Pour Some Sugar On Me - The Maine (Def Leopard cover)

~ Pouring Sugar & Getting Detention ~


We were assigned to bake brownies with our partners during Home Ec. Mrs. Cordier emphasized helping each other, working together, and not allowing the other to make a mistake. Such as, for example, mistaking flour with corn starch or sugar with (a pointed glance at our station) salt. The class snickered, whispering about my salty omelette. Theo and I shared a look and I had to smile at his grimace.

We hadn't said hardly anything to each other before class, and I didn't see him much through the day. I wasn't sure if the tension from last night was still there, but he was acting normal. Or what I assumed was normal for him. Meaning, he napped through most of the teacher's instructions. She wrote it on the board, so at least he would have that to refer to when we made our brownies.

"I will be stepping out for a minute while you begin. Stay at your stations and start mixing the dry ingredients, then the wet ingredients in a separate bowl. I cannot stress enough: Follow the directions! Cooking is about smelling and tasting as you go to perfect your recipe. Baking, on the other hand, is all about the measurements. So take your time, work together, and I will return shortly," Mrs. Cordier stated to the class and left us on our own. The sounds of bowls clanging filled the silence.

"I can't believe the teacher is gone and they're all...behaving," Theo remarked under his breath.

"Maybe they just like brownies." I selected the right measuring cups and picked the larger stainless steel bowl for the dry ingredients.

"Well, they could have a little fun while they make them. It's so quiet."

"Baking is fun," I told him.

"Abby," he tsked. "You poor innocent girl. You need to loosen up and have some real fun."

Theo's eyes lit up like dynamite when he saw me pouring the carefully measured sugar into the empty bowl. I watched him warily as he pulled his phone out from the pocket of his black jeans. I didn't say anything as he searched for something on the screen, but I was getting a terrible feeling I wouldn't like it. He pressed the button on the side multiple times and put the phone face down on our table. I realized with heart-racing-palms-sweating dread that it was the volume button.

Then the drum intro boomed through the tiny speaker.

I felt sick when I saw his cheeky, evil grin.

"What are you doing?" I asked over the guitar playing.


Then he did.

"Love is like a bomb,

Baby, come on, get it on."

With the first line, everyone stopped what they were doing as they tried to figure what was going on. Two guys started drumming the tables with wooden spoons, while a few of the girls started nodding their heads and shaking their hips. I watched them in horror as he continued to sing.

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