Carpooling & Seeing Green

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~ Carpooling & Seeing Green ~


A honking horn outside disturbed my sleep, so I rolled over and covered my head with a pillow. It was too early for the neighbors to be making that noise.

My eyes shot open when I remembered I didn't have my car, but it was the thought of who was picking me up that got me out of bed. I tripped over myself to get to the window so I could peek outside.

Eli's car was parked in the driveway with Theo sitting on the hood of it. The window was cracked open, so I could hear Eli shouting at him to get off of it. Something about dents and scratches.

Theo ignored him when he noticed that my curtain was pulled back. With a lazy wave of his hand, he gestured for me to join them outside. I let the curtain fall back into place and checked the clock on the wall.

I grumbled to myself, "Of all the days to sleep in, it just had to be today."

I was thankful that at least my parents were gone for work, so I wouldn't have to answer any more questions. It was bad enough when my dad saw me walk inside wearing a leather jacket. My mom obviously knew who it belonged to and gave me a knowing smile.

I got ready to go in a record amount of time for me. Every hair was in place, make-up was on point, and the accessories matched my outfit. The only downside to spending what little time I had on my look was that I had none left for breakfast.

On a whim, I grabbed Theo's jacket before leaving my room despite the temptation to keep it for myself. After I stepped outside and locked the front door, I tossed the black outerwear to Theo, hitting him square in the face with it. Much to Eli's relief, he hopped off the hood to slip into the leather garment.

"Back where you belong." Speaking to his leather jacket, he unzipped one of the pockets and pulled out a pack of Pop Rocks. Then he tore the corner off and finally acknowledged me. "Good morning."

His hair looked darker than usual because it was still damp from a morning shower. The ink black color intensified when it was wet, making his blue eyes look lighter.

Aside from his current love affair with candy, he looked amazing and smelled even better.

Stop noticing, Abby.

I chirped, "Good morning."

He glanced up at me with a smile then returned his focus to the candy.

Leaving him alone with his addiction, I went over to the driver side window and apologized to Eli. "It's very likely that Theo forced you to do this, so I'm sorry you were dragged into it. And I'm also sorry for taking so long."

His dimpled smile couldn't compare to his friend's, but it was charming nonetheless as he started the car. "He didn't drag me into it, I offered when we were on the phone last night. I would have given you a ride last night too, but Theo said he had it covered. I'm happy to see you're still alive."

I laughed along with Eli while also giving Theo an accusatory look. He got into the car to escape my scrutiny. I would have preferred Eli's car over the motorcycle, but I honestly couldn't say the same today because of how much fun I had last night. It was my only reason for dropping the subject and letting him off easy.

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