Scary Movies & Midnight Snacks

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I could handle most of the scary movies Jarod liked to watch, but there was an occasional one here and there that freaked me out. I often ended up with a blanket over my face and watching the very top of the screen. It was effective and spared me of any jump scares.

Yvee was just as bad as me, unless it was a Korean movie. She loved those more than Jarod did, and I couldn't stand them because they were some of the scariest we had seen together.

And he just had to choose one of those for tonight.

It wasn't long into the movie that I had my knees up to my chest and my head buried in them. I was not going to be the kind of girl that clings onto a boy out of fear, so I just clung to myself instead.

When the scene was over, I let out a breath and relaxed the tense muscles in my neck and shoulders. Reluctantly, I raised my head to keep watching.

I felt Theo scoot closer and drape his arm over the back of the couch behind me. I nearly laughed at the gesture because of how cliche it seemed, but then another frightening scene started and I forgot he was even there. Just as I was about to pull up the blanket, a pair of hands gently covered my eyes.

I may not have seen what was happening but I was still rigid from the sounds. Theo must've noticed because his lips brushed my ear as he started to whisper to me. It took me a minute to realize that he was narrating what was going on in the movie, but he added his own commentary to make it funny.

He did that throughout the entire movie whenever there was a bad scene. Instead of being afraid and holding my breath, I either smiled or silently laughed at his narration. My heart continued to beat erratically, but it was more due to him than the movie. I looked forward to each moment when I would feel his warm hands over my eyes and the tickle of his whispers.

The goosebumps I would get during every scary part had nothing to do with the movie either.

The others were too absorbed in the plot and subtitles to notice what Theo was doing behind them. I was able to survive the movie because of him, unlike most of the characters. Just before the credits began rolling, he went back to his original position beside me. He looked at me and winked, moving a finger up to his mouth.

"What did you do?" Jarod asked Theo when he turned his head and saw me. "Abby's not hiding under a blanket."

"Haha, you're so funny," I remarked sarcastically, throwing a decorative pillow at him.

"Maybe I just have a calming presence," Theo answered.

I snorted and quickly masked it with a cough. He had about the same calming presence as the eye of a storm.

"I don't know what you guys were talking about, anyway," Theo told them and glanced at me with twinkling eyes. "To be honest, I'm a little disappointed that I wasn't needed for comfort."

Yvette was too busy putting her movie in and tossing Jarod's aside to comment. Jarod was trying to find where it landed in the dark. So Eli took it upon himself to poke the pink dino.

"Dinosaurs aren't good to cuddle up to, T."

"Frogs aren't either."

"I'm a royal frog," Eli scowled. "Get it right. And at least she wouldn't have to worry about me chomping her head off."

"Fly breath."

Yvette came over then and kicked Theo off the couch. He returned to his place on the floor in front of me. I smiled at the back of his head as Yvee pressed play.

Eli was wrong.

Dinosaurs were very good for cuddling.


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